America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Disney to stop work on films during war

By Paul Harrison

Weiss asks caution in evacuating aliens

U.S. frees Ezio Pinza, Italian-born opera star

’Patriotic’ singer jumps into river

War contact fraud fought

Senate group approves citizenship revocation

Army reveals name of alleged slayer

U.S. Navy Department (June 6, 1942)

Pacific Fleet No. 2

The Pittsburgh Press (June 6, 1942)

Victory may be turning point in Pacific warfare

At least 8, probably 18, heavy enemy fleet units hit as Americans chase foe
By Everett R. Holles, United Press staff writer

Gas rationing wheel taken by Roosevelt

Chief assumes command as Congressmen revolt; statement due

Jap sub hit after sinking Aussie ship

Undersea craft believed sunk; 38 lives lost on Allied vessel
By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

Sinking victims landed on Gulf

Entire crews of two ships are rescued
By the United Press

Nazi communiqué delayed 3 times

Toll in arms plant explosion mounts

New York’s first full blackout equals Berlin’s

Mayor La Guardia reveals test over five-borough, 311-square-mile area as 'beyond expectations’

Hoarding of 22 tons of sugar charged

Coast on alert for third night

All radio stations silenced, emergency measures taken

Air raid relief bill advances in Senate

Lend-Lease aid offered Dutch, Norse 'exiles’

Refugee governments win chance to join Allied economic combine

Co-eds will invade Princeton course

Fear of poison gas war exaggerated, experts say

Other modes of attack called far more effective, despite Roosevelt retaliation warning to Japs