Food every day to be goal of control group
Meatless, wheatless days banned, aide of Wickard says
Morgenthau’s choice of tax due next week
House group forces issue with ultimatum at ‘peace’ meeting
CCC joins Army –
House saves youth agency
NYA stays, but Civilian Conservation Corps gets ax
$46 Army pay pact criticized
La Collette still to fight for $50
War forces postponement of Boston concert series
Berkshire Symphonic Festival, summer mecca of music lovers, hit by curbs on travel
By Ralph Lewando, Press music critic
Bette given a prize role
She’ll be feminine lead in anti-Nazi film
Dad becomes war casualty
Family can’t run out on him this year
By Ruth Millett
The Pittsburgh Press (June 7, 1942)
We avenge Pearl Harbor –
‘Momentous victory in the making,’ Admiral says
3 battleships, 4 cruisers hit; battle continues; U.S. losses light
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer
Milk and laundry truck curbs hit housewives here
They must order dairy products before weekend, keep enough clean clothes on hand to prepare for suspension of deliveries July 4-11
Probers find gas chiseling
Many rationing violations reported in 3 cities