America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Simms says –
U.S. recognizes Finns’ freedom from Axis ties

Friendly relations seen despite war declaration on Balkan countries
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Lake shipping strikers go back to work

War Labor Board orders return, pending wage statement

Two convicted as Nazi spies

U.S. recalls when it frowned on present Allies, wooed 1942 foes

World’s fastest bomber shows U.S. youth has stuff

Report, riding in glass nose of plane, finds he can distinguish Airedale from Terrier after ‘pandemonium in fishbowl’ ends
By George Weller

Big air-sea battle developing after Midway repulses Japs

Enemy drive on Hawaii, U.S. or supply line to Australia seen
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

Details on early Midway battles given

Indian defense bolstered by largest British convoy

Ships disperse to many ports to unload masses of troops, U.S. tanks and planes
By John R. Morris, United Press staff writer

Chinese general raps Allied war planning

Morgenthau, Congressmen end tax row

Friendly relations restored after radio speech is explained

Two sent to prison as aides of Japan

364 more aliens seized

Jap evacuees to do land development

Pacific Coast stays on alert

Radios silenced; Seattle’s defenses tightened

House votes CCC camps out of existence, 158–121

Action becomes effective July 1, unless Senate insists appropriation be restored

John Hay Whitney gets captaincy in Air Corps

Crusader head is convicted

Sentence may total 80 years, $40,000 fine

Maverick visions hunger, unemployment after war

WPB official’s dark picture includes decades of conflicts and economic disasters in post-war era

Chaplin-Goddard riddle puzzles filmdom no more

Mustachioed comedian and red-haired actress, whose marriage had fans guessing, divorced in Mexico
By Charles R. Moore, United Press staff writer

First Lady sets travel marks in reverse in May

Mrs. Roosevelt rambles only 5,525 miles, makes but two plane trips, and stays home 18 days
By Ben Williamson, Scripps-Howard staff writer