America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

San Diego had blackout

San Diego, Cal., May 12 –
A five-minute blackout was ordered in San Diego last night because of the presence of an unidentified plane, which was later identified as friendly.


By Florence Fisher Parry

On the home front –
Air cadets awaiting call receive free mail rights

Postmaster explains men who draw pay from U.S. on enlistment come under ruling

14 seamen die in sub-fired merchantman

Torpedoed ship blazes before men can escape below decks

Simms says –
U.S. reluctant to use force in Martinique

Prefers assurances that island won’t be turned over to Axis
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

War spending in April over $3 billion

U.S. arms expenditures made at rate of $131 million daily

New ‘air medal’ award ordered by Roosevelt

Burma border battle rages

Reinforced Japs attack Chinese positions
By Robert P. Martin, United Press staff writer

Waiver on military benefits is sought

West Virginia area has blackout test

U.S. will take time on radio programs

Ever hear of the ‘grit girl’? She’s our wartime female!

Mary Astor says this new type has taken the place of he 'glamor gal’

Is it necessary?

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Invasion of Europe

By editorial research reports

U.S. subs blast Jap lifelines

65 ships sunk, damaged since war began

They plot in ‘paradise’ –
Enemy diplomats live in real luxury in world’s swankiest internment camp

But they fight among selves as Nazis hate Italians and Japanese
By David Charnay and William Wallace (as told to Warren Hall)

U.S. War Department (May 13, 1942)

General MacArthur’s Headquarters No. 26

Northeast sector.
Weather conditions limited air activity throughout the area.

There was only routine activity in other areas.

The Pittsburgh Press (May 13, 1942)

Bodies of 56 recovered in mine tragedy

70 others escape blast near Morgantown at change of shifts

Setting a bad example –
Congressmen hop on bandwagon for unlimited gasoline

220 scramble for ‘X’ cards for office and pleasure driving – also take 3-gallon limit for little woman’s car – all but 80 change ratings later
By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

The transportation headache –
Railroads may follow airlines on travel quota

By Dale McFeatters, Pittsburgh Press staff writer