America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Japs massing more vessels off Australia

MacArthur reports enemy prepares to resume Coral Sea battle
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Laval says –
U.S. raising grave question

Vichy replies to America’s Martinique action

Quick thinking saves plane’s 10 passengers

Shipyards turning out 15 million tons a year

Texas woman may head WAAC

Approval near on bill to enlist 150,000

Law indicated for billeting war workers

Housing official tells of difficulty in getting enough rooms

Submarine bill signed

Australian stores are 'barricaded’

By George Weller

Price ceilings simplified on season goods

Method designed to help retailer compute new maximums

Poison gas threat finds U.S. unprotected

By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

On the home front –
Pharmacists not receiving commissions in Army now

Officer’s status only given to those enlisted men graduated from Carlisle, Pa., school

Canada ‘invaded’ –
First ship sunk in St. Lawrence

Three other Allied boats victims of U-boats
By the United Press

RFC provides funds for tire purchases

How British escaped trap in Burma told by witness

By Darrell Berrigan, United Press staff writer

Steel company files denial to WPB’s charges

Carnegie-Illinois claims maladministration by government for errors

Chinese slice Japs’ supply line in Burma

Communications route cut 50 miles from border, report says
By Robert P. Martin, United Press staff writer

They plot in ‘paradise’ –
U.S. Army officer’s daughter used as messenger by interned diplomat

Girl confesses to reporters in Washington hotel as intrigues continue
By David Charnay and William Wallace (as told to Warren Hall)

America learns how to 'load diplomatic guns’

By David M. Nichol

Another victim of war –
Poughkeepsie Regatta off

U.S. War Department (May 14, 1942)

General MacArthur’s Headquarters No. 27