U.S. troops toughen up at Aussie training base
Freedom of island from Axis influence sought by Washington
Stillwell clamps vice on Mandalay and foe is forced to evacuate town on border
By Robert P. Martin, United Press staff writer
Washington (UP) –
Rev. ZeBarney Philips, Chaplain of the Senate and Dean of the Washington National Cathedral, died last night of heart disease after a brief illness.
The 67-year-old rector, a lifelong Republican, had served in the Senate since 1927 and had conducted many memorial services for deceased members.
Mr. Philips was installed as Dean last Nov. 26, giving up his post as rector of the Church of the Epiphany here after 17 years.
Passage of levy expected because of opposition to increase in individual income taxes
Those with 15 years service will be transferred to inactive reserve or be permitted to resign
The Pittsburgh Press (May 12, 1942)
Company officials, watching increasing traveling congestion, sees needs for action giving prior rights to those on war missions
By Dale McFeatters, Pittsburgh Press staff writer
Washington (UP) –
The Senate, by a vote of 38–27, today passed a bill to set up a Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps. It rejected attempts to restrict the women to service in the United States.
The measure, which has been approved by the House, now goes to the White House for President Roosevelt’s signature.
It would permit the Army to enroll a maximum of 150,000 women in the auxiliary for non-combat service with the Regular Army.