America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Work replaces May Day riots

Left-wingers cancel fetes to make more guns
By the United Press

Strike hits tenants of 800 buildings

Navy reports Axis sub sunk

American and Swedish ships torpedoed
By the United Press

Pay increase in rents, OPA tells tenants

Government cannot enforce no-boost rule for 60-day period

One million people flood Times Square to witness blackout

Phenomenon stirs crowd to New Year’s Eve enthusiasm; La Guardia afraid of catastrophe, but pleased with lights-out effectiveness

Biddle places gag on Arnold

Denies him chance to flay labor evils again

Commissioning of civilians in Army attacked

House to debate proposal barring inexperienced men as officers

Lily’s so afraid Army won’t like her singing

Operatic star, here for artists series final tonight, to give soldiers her best-loved songs

Philadelphia’s German paper denied mails

Biddle charges publication with systematic attack on U.S. activities

Unshackle world trade or perish, Sayre tells Chamber of Commerce

Convention adopts resolution favoring wage control to match price ceilings

’Iron Guard’ to get combat troop test

Signs, show windows, night sports –
WPB order bans lights in power shortage areas

Legion weighs member plans

Opening rolls to present war veterans proposed

Prayer book shot, but bishop escapes

Nine men found guilty of $157,000 extortion

Japs 32 miles beyond Lashio

By Robert P. Martin, United Press staff writer

Alcatraz moves prisoners inland to Leavenworth

Auto industry scraps dies for 1942 models

Hitler, Mussolini confer, ‘agree’ on summer strategy

Dictators meet at Salzburg, Austria, for military and political discussions; Jap envoy absent; London thinks parley debates Axis plight

Joe Louis’ Army rifle coach commits suicide

Patchogue, New York (UP) –
Cpl. Robert A. Sherman, 32, of Camp Upton, who has been giving rifle instruction to Pvt. Joe Louis, the world heavyweight boxing champion, committed suicide Wednesday night by hanging, a coroner ruled after an inquest.

Sherman was found hanging from a belt in a clothes closet at his home. He had been in the Army for 13 years.