America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Fifth column probed in Los Angeles area

Pittsburgh sailor killed in sinking of destroyer

Chances rise for Jap push on Australia

Invasion would serve to keep U.S. Navy from attacks in north
By George Weller

Split indicated in Indian party

Liberal resigns in dispute over Muslim state
By P. D. Sharma, United Press staff writer

Army of 10 million needed, major says

Western Union backs merger

Modifications suggested in pending legislation

Mountaineer’s name is cleared for draft

Wage freezing resolution put before Chamber of Commerce

Committee also calls for suspension of limits on working hours

Nazi stab-in-the-back peace suggestion heard in London

Reported proposal sent to America, Britain would double-cross Japan, Russia and China, give colonies to Germany

U.S., Australian raiders smash 20 Jap planes

Second attack in 24 hours made on enemy base on New Guinea
By Francis L. McCarthy, United Press staff writer

Axis agents use Argentina as spy base

Envoys try to bolster German prestige in South America


Authorizing certain exclusions from the operation of the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amended

By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me by Section 3 (b) of the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930 (46 Stat. 468), as amended by the act of January 24, 1942 (Public Law 411, 77th Congress), it is hereby ordered as follows:

  1. Employees in the following classifications of Federal personnel in the Executive branch of the Government are hereby excluded from the operation of the said Retirement Act, unless eligible for retirement benefits by continuity of service, by reinstatement, or otherwise:

a) Employees whose expected service will be for brief periods but not to exceed one year.

b) Employees paid by the hours, day, month, or year when actually employed, whose employment is periodic, part-time, or recurrent and for whom a regular tour of duty is not contemplated.

c) Employees and consultants paid on a contract or fee basis.

d) Employees paid on a piecework basis, except when serving under regular or permanent appointment.

e) Cooperative employees not wholly under the control of the Federal Government and not otherwise subject to the Civil Service Retirement Act.

f) Officers and employees without compensation or with nominal compensation of $12.00 or less per annum.

g) Intermittent alien employees engaged on work outside the continental limits of the United States.

h) Member and patient employees in government hospitals or homes.

i) Employees serving under temporary appointments pending final determination of their eligibility for permanent or indefinite appointment.

j) Acting postmasters, clerks in fourth class post offices, substitute rural carriers, and special delivery messengers at second, third, and fourth class post offices.

  1. The Civil Service Commission is authorized to determine the applicability of the above classifications to specific officers and employees or groups of officers and employees in the Executive branch of the Government.

  2. This order shall be effective as of January 24, 1942, except that it shall not be so construed as to defeat any retirement rights of officers and employees acquired before the date of this order.

The White House
May 1, 1942

The Pittsburgh Press (May 1, 1942)

Japs push near Burmese capital

Allies fall back, fight 25 miles from Mandalay
By John R. Morris, United Press staff writer

Excess profits levy approved

Rate set at 94% by House group

WPB cites GM on priorities

Company penalized for alleged violations

Johnstown strike certified to WLB

Civilian steel will be banned

Order to stop iron in non-essential use

Roosevelt postpones registering of women

Half of life savings donated by patriot

Army will induct 1-B group as test

Here’s a mews flash!

Hastings, Michigan –
The pet cat of Cedar Creek Rural School had four kittens today. The students named them: Remember, Pearl, Harbor, and MacArthur.

Ice cream ‘frozen’

Washington –
The War Production Board today directed ice cream manufacturers to limit their product to not more than 20 flavors.

Paper boost price

Albany, New York –
The Knickerbocker News announced today an increase of from three to four cents for its daily newspaper starting Monday, due to rising costs of materials.