America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

’Single front’ dictators’ aim

U.S. aid, Russian stand upset strategy
By Paul Ghali

Budget head’s pay raised

Washington –
The Senate late yesterday approved a salary raise for Budget Director Harold D. Smith, from $10,000 to $12,000 a year.

Hero who did ‘doctor’s duty’ learns of Roosevelt praise, wonders why

By George Weller

’Price police’ force watches for violations

OPA plans ‘professional’ shoppers to work with rationing boards

Alarm sounds in Hawaii

Honolulu, Hawaii –
Kauai, the northernmost of the Hawaiian Islands, had a 20-minute air-raid alarm yesterday, it was announced today. The all-clear was sounded after approaching elements were identified as friendly, the Army announced.

Sailor saying reversed

Oakland, California –
Tables were turned on the traditional sailor who “has a sweetheart in every port,” when two of them turned up here and found they were both married to the same girl, who, in addition, was also married to a shipyard worker. Each sailor had been sending her $100 monthly.

U.S. planes smash 53 enemy aircraft in Australian area

American bombers wreck 30 on ground, set huge fires at Jap base as foe raids Allied isles; both sides set for major blow
By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

Planes downed by Corregidor

5 bombers blasted; Jap guns, trucks shelled

Workers stick to jobs despite $50,000 blaze

Jap diplomats try to be pals with Russians

Nothing’s too good for boys in Kuybyshev, Tokyo attitude
By A. T. Steele

Overthrow Il Duce, Italian people told

U.S. to recover over $1 billion in war contracts

Re-negotiation of arms orders by government net $150 million
By Marshall McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Creel defends Jones acts in nation’s rubber mess

McNutt aide may steer new manpower unit

New Deal ‘consultant’ in line for position on war commission
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

’Place of birth’ question stumps parents of 'lifeboat baby’

Flying general died on ground, Army reveals

Killed at airport by plane out of control

Post-war preparation

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Globetrotters wanted

By editorial research reports

Overoptimism in U.S. seen by free Germans

Both Hitler, army must be smashed, they assert; Nazi trick seen
By Allen Haden

Air raid alerts sound in Los Angeles area

Patent hogging in zinc charged

Company accused of aiding foe by restrictions