Gas curtailment affects 17 states
WPB orders one-third cut on April 16
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Senators predict wide price fixing
Wage-freezing bill also called inevitable
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FDR encourages Haakon
Washington, April 9 (AP) –
President Roosevelt today, on the second anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Norway, sent a message of encouragement to King Haakon VII in London.
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Copper screening frozen
Washington, April 9 (AP) –
All stocks of copper screening in the United States were frozen in the hands of retailers today by the War Production Board.
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Lend-Lease cargoes cut
Transfer of vessels to other uses reduces foreign shipments
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Alien spurns prison food
Pittsburgh German, held for extortion, goes on hunger strike
WPB data voluminous
Nelson gets information promptly after thorough sifting
WPB halts construction
All building virtually suspended by order effective today
Waste paper becomes vital need in military operations of U.S.
By Simpson M. Ritter, Central Press correspondent
Mexico hits fifth column
Starts sweeping rive to eradicate menace from Gulf shore
War contract tax proposed
Special levy on income from military orders asked by George
Alaska rapidly prepares to take important role in war in Pacific
By Malvina Stephenson, Central Press writer
Army plane insignia
102nd Observation Squadron: The droll insignia of this New York National Guard unit is an ape equipped with radio headphones and seated on the cloud. The ape is the “missing link,” symbolizing the “missing link” function of radio-equipped observation planes between ground and air commands.
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