Biddle orders drive on draft violators
Leaders believe Britain will approve; Cripps’ proposal rejected
London, April 8 (INS) –
Flying Officer William Edgar, an American attached to the Royal Air Force, has been killed in action, it was announced today. His next of kin was listed as a resident of Waco, Tex.
New York, April 7 (UP) –
Tyrone Power, film star, has applied for enlistment in the United States Naval Reserve and passed his physical examination. He said he had received permission to complete one more picture in Hollywood in the event he is accepted and assigned to duty.
Newsmen see production of arms at Detroit on mass basis
By David J. Wilkie
Reading Eagle (April 9, 1942)
Japanese surround east flank of exhausted defenders; resistance ceases
’All lost ground will eventually be recaptured and the Philippines liberated,’ declares Senator Connally; others comment
Loss of cruisers Cornwall, Dorsetshire announced; 1,100 of crews saved
Fires sweep scores of wrecked buildings as bombs spread death and destruction
By Daniel De Luce
Editor’s note:
The first part of the following dispatch from Daniel De Luce, Associated Press correspondent in Burma, has not been received. His gripping eyewitness account, however, indicated that a great area, perhaps most, of the storied city of Mandalay has been laid waste by Japanese bombers with unchallenged control of the skies. De Luce’s story presumably refers to an attack April 3 which the British have said caused no military damage.