America at war! (1941-1945) -- Part 6

U.S. military rule in Germany described as ‘perfectly screwy’

By Edward P. Morgan

Wallace and Mosher to testify Tuesday on full employment

By J. A. O’Leary

Chinese steals 400-mile ride pinned by wheel in U.S. plane

Virginian to pilot first C-47 during landings in Japan

Wainwright’s trip to Mukden delayed

Two Australian cruisers to be sent to Tokyo

Nazis had two ‘death rooms’ behind curtains in court

By Thomas R. Henry, Star staff correspondent

Invisible, eternal fires burn in America’s atomic ovens

By Howard W. Blakeslee, Associated Press science editor

Editorial: The British protest

Editorial: Franco’s position

Editorial: For Chinese unity

Editorial: Lifting the ‘iron curtain’

This changing world –
Moscow movements in Europe

By Constantine Brown

Moley: Whose cart – what horse?

By Raymond Moley

Lawrence: Japan problem only primary in Asia

America needs wider outlook, says Tokyo publisher
By David Lawrence

Nelson Rockefeller says Argentina fails to fulfill pledges

5,700 WAVES eligible for immediate release

Truman approves plan for 29,000 hospital beds for veterans

Poland and Bulgaria opened to newsmen

Gen. de Gaulle seems certain of U.S. aid for French industry

10,000 lending firms ready to finance post-war building

Feller, victor over Tigers, becomes big factor in flag race

Likely to face Detroit three more times, Washington once
By Jack Hand, Associated Press sports writer

Traveling star finds program too busy for sightseeing

By Jay Carmody

Termination of Possession of Certain Property Taken by the Government

Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
August 25, 1945

By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, including section 9 of the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 892) as amended by the War Labor Disputes Act (57 Stat. 163), it is hereby ordered as follows:

All plants, mines, facilities, and all other property of whatever kind seized or taken by the United States under and pursuant to the following-described Executive orders, or amendments thereof, shall be returned to the owners thereof as soon as practicable, as determined in each case by the officer by whom the property in question is held and operated for the government, with the approval of the Director of Economic Stabilization:

  • No. 9108 of Mar. 21, 1942.
  • No. 9225 of Aug. 19, 1942.
  • No. 9351 of June 14, 1943.
  • No. 8400 of Dec. 3, 1943.
  • No. 9462 of Aug. 11, 1944.
  • No. 9463 of Aug. 12, 1944.
  • No. 9466 of Aug. 19, 1944.
  • No. 9475A of Sept. 2, 1944.
  • No. 9484 of Sept. 23, 1944.
  • No. 9493 of Oct. 24, 1944.
  • No. 9505 of Dec. 6, 1944.
  • No. 9508 of Dec. 27, 1945.
  • No. 9516 of Jan. 24, 1945.
  • No. 9536 of Apr. 10, 1945.
  • No. 9540 of Apr. 17, 1945.
  • No. 9542 of Apr. 23, 1945.
  • No. 9552 of May 19, 1945.
  • No. 9559 of May 28, 1945.
  • No. 9560 of June 1, 1945.
  • No. 9564 of June 5, 1945.
  • No. 9565 of June 5, 1945.
  • No. 9577A of July 1, 1945.
  • No. 9585 of July 4, 1945.
  • No. 9589A of July 19, 1945.
  • No. 9593 of July 25, 1945.
  • No. 9595 of July 30, 1945.

Any of the above-listed orders in conflict with this order is hereby amended to the extent of such conflict.

August 25, 1945