Wendell Willkie’s condition critical (10-7-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 8, 1944)

Wendell Willkie’s condition critical

‘Acute cardiac condition’ develops

Wendell Willkie

New York (UP) – (Oct. 7)
Wendell L. Willkie was placed on the critical list at Lenox Hill Hospital tonight, and his physician, Dr. Benjamin Salzer, said he was suffering an “acute cardiac condition.”

Dr. Salzer issued the following bulletin at 11:30 p.m. ET:

An acute cardiac condition has developed, probably caused by the toxic state resulting from a severe streptococcic infection in the past few days. At the present time, Mr. Willkie is resting comfortably. He has been placed on the critical list.

Earlier tonight, the 1940 Republican candidate for President had been reported “on the road to recovery.”

Dr. Salzer said prompt application of penicillin brought Mr. Willkie’s temperature down to 100 degrees from the dangerous 104 he registered Thursday night. The change for the worse apparently came very suddenly.

Mr. Willkie has been in the hospital since Sept. 7 following an attack of colitis suffered when visiting his Indiana home in August.