U.S. Army casualties mount to 384,895 (10-19-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 19, 1944)

Army casualties mount to 384,895

Washington (UP) –
U.S. Army casualties exclusive of air forces in France, Germany and the Low Countries from D-Day through Oct. 3 totaled 174,780, the War Department announced today.

These included 29,842 killed, 130,227 wounded and 14,711 missing. Casualties of the 7th Army which landed in southern France are included.

Total Army casualties in all theaters through Oct. 6 were 384,895, an increase of 33,602 since the last figures announced Oct. 5.

The Navy lists 68,480 total casualties through Oct. 18 for Navy, Marine and Coast Guard personnel. This gives a grand total of announced service casualties of 453,379 in all categories.

The Army totals to date:

Dead 75,562
Wounded 208,392
Prisoners 52,537
Missing 48,404

The War Department explained part of the increase was due to a revised and improved statistical system which permitted more up-to-date reports than previously.