The Pittsburgh Press (April 30, 1945)
Duce, mistress, 16 aides slain
By James E. Roper, United Press staff writer

The last of Mussolini is displayed in a Milan square after execution of the Italian dictator. Armed Partisans try to restrain the crowds. Mussolini’s body lies in a center foreground, with that of his mistress, Clara Petacci, who was also shot, just to the left. The Duce was later hung up feet first at a gas station.
MILAN, Italy – The broken body of Benito Mussolini lay unclaimed beside his slain mistress in the Milan morgue today, dishonored in death by the people he led to empire and ruin.
The fallen Duce died badly in the sight of the Partisan executioners who killed him and his mistress, Clara Petacci, in their hideout on Lake Como last Saturday.
And the people he ruled for two decades paid him their last tribute by hanging his remains head down from the rafters of a gasoline station in Milan’s Loreto Square.
Shot in back
There, for a night and day, they spat upon their fallen leader, shot his body in the back, and kicked his face into a toothless, pulpy mass.
For hours after the body of the executed dictator was brought to Milan with that of his mistress and 16 other slain Fascist leaders. Mussolini lay in a filthy pile of dirt in the center of the square. Then the mob tied wire about the ankles of Il Duce and Clara Petacci and suspended them upside down from the roof of the gasoline station.
Hysterical men and women closed in screaming about the dangling corpses and beat and kicked the dictator’s face into an unrecognizable pulp. His teeth were knocked out and the famed jutting jaw fell over his upper lip.
Dumped into trunk
His mistress skirt was torn off and people spat upon both bodies.
When the mob tired of its ghastly sport, the bodies were taken down and dumped into an open truck. They were carted to the city morgue and the pair were placed on a metal slab in the morgue courtyard.
Someone tilted the death slab upward so the bodies were visible to hundreds of persons still milling about the morgue, peering over the stone and plaster wall.
In contrast to Mussolini’s disfigured features, his mistress’ face remained youthful and beautiful even in death. Her even, white teeth, now splotched with blood, were visible through her parted lips and her dark-brown, curly hair still hung in tidy ringlets.
16 others executed
Her slim torso was covered with an old pair of men’s trousers tossed carelessly over her body. A pink silk garter belt and frilly blue underclothes were exposed.
By the time Mussolini’s body reached the morgue, his jacket had been torn away, revealing his barrel chest encased in a short-sleeved undershirt.
Sharing the morgue with Il Duce and Clara were the bodies of 16 of his henchmen, executed like them by Italian patriots after a “people’s trial.”
Ironically, it was revealed by the Partisan prefect of Milan Province that an order staying Mussolini’s execution pending a more formal trial and forbidding the execution of his mistress was en route to Como at the moment they faced the firing squad.
The prefect said he believed Clara Petacci’s shooting was illegal unless it could be proved she was carrying arms.
Died badly
“Mussolini died badly,” said Edouardo, leader of the 10-man firing squad which sent the dictator to his death.
When he was sentenced to death, the man who had ruined his career through illusions of empire ironically cried, “let me save my life, and I will give you an empire.”
“No, no,” were the last words from Il Duce, who had said “yes, yes” so many times to his Axis partner, Adolf Hitler, He cried his “no’s” as the men of the firing squad raised their rifles to their shoulders.
The execution took place at 4:20 p.m. Saturday near the town of Dongo, on Lake Como. Mussolini was killed at the villa where he had been living since his arrest last Friday with Clara, the Rome doctor’s daughter who wanted to be a movie star.
Tried to escape
Mussolini, the “jackal” to the last, was caught as he attempted to flee to Switzerland in a 30-car convoy, his bulky frame cloaked in a German military overcoat to escape detection.
Edouardo, who commands all the Partisan forces south of the Po, said:
I heard Mussolini was arrested and taken to a villa near Dongo.
None of us wanted Mussolini to be freed or escape to Switzerland so I sent 10 men with an officer to Dongo.
Mussolini was in the cottage on the hill with Signorina Petacci. When he saw Italian officers coming to him, he thought they had come to free him and he embraced his sweetheart.
When he understood he was going to be tried he was shocked. But our men gave them both a trial and condemned them to death.
Offers empire
Then it was that Mussolini, who had dealt death to so many others, offered the empire he didn’t have in exchange for his life. But the firing squad – men from the 52nd Garibaldi Brigade – went ahead with the execution, there at the villa on the hill.
Mussolini did not wear a blindfold. As the squad raised their rifles, he cried “No, no.” A second later he fell from a bullet that entered his left forehead and passed entirely through his head, tearing out part of the skull behind his right ear.
Bodies piled
Edouardo said the 16 others were examined later and shot in the town square at Dongo. They included the brother of Signorina Petacci, who tried to escape. He was shot down as he ran.
“These men died well,” said Edouardo. “Mussolini died badly.”
The others, whose bodies were piled here with Mussolini’s, included:
Alessandro Pavolini, former propaganda minister and secretary of state in Mussolini’s Fascist puppet government.
Francesco Maria Barracu, undersecretary to the premier.
Dr. Paolo Zerbino, minister of the interior.
Fernando Messazoma, minister of popular culture.
Ruggero Romano, minister of public works.
Augusto Liverani, undersecretary of state for communications.
Goffredo Coppola, rector of the University of Bologna.
Paolo Porta, a Fascist Party inspector.
Luigi Gatti, a prefect.
Ernesto Daquanno, editor of Stefani News Agency.
Mario Nudi, president of the Fascist Agricultural Association.
Nicola Bombacci, former Communist.
Rome dispatches said the following were also killed: former Fascist Party secretary Roberto Farinacci, Achile Starace (another former party secretary), movie stars Osvaldo Valenti and Louisa Feriza, former Minister of Interior Guido Buffarini Guidi.
Vito Casalnuova, a colonel in the National Republican Guard, and Pietro Salustri, Mussolini’s personal pilot.
‘Do not hit the medal’
Barracu wore Italy’s highest decoration, the gold medal, and asked the firing squad, “Do not hit the medal.”
Pavolini’s last words were “Viva Italia.”
Edouardo said all the bodies were thrown into a big, closed truck like a moving van and brought to Milan late Saturday. On the way Partisan guards repeatedly stopped the truck and demanded identification papers from the drivers. At one point, overcautious Partisans made the men from Milan get out and stand against a wall. They were going to shoot them before an hour’s argument convinced the suspicious sentries that all was in order.
Duce’s family under guard
By Paul Ghali
COMO, Italy (April 29, delayed) – Mussolini’s wife, Donna Rachele, and his two daughters are under police guard, but have been allowed by Partisans to stay with friends here.
Donna Rachele was carrying $200,000 worth of jewels when the family was captured.
Mussolini’s son, Vittorio, is believed to have fled with the Germans.