Election 1944: Senator Revercomb sees U.S. veering to national socialism (8-23-44)

Reading Eagle (August 23, 1944)


West Virginia Senator sees U.S. veering to national socialism

Chicago, Illinois (AP) –
Senator Chapman Revercomb (R-WV) said today that “I warn, without excitement, but with fairness, that there are signposts in our own country that point towards national socialism.”

“That generally finds its growth out of a broken economic structure and a desire by a group to rule over and dictate to the people,” Revercomb asserted in a prepared address before the national encampment of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Declaring that the national debt “threatens to reach the gigantic sum of $267 billion,” Revercomb said that:

There are some who have adopted the philosophy of a government by taxing and spending and regulating.

It appears that there are some who would continue the theory of taxing and spending and regulating, even for the days to come. That is a dangerous course. With some justification, caution was thrown away in spending for war. But that can find no sound basis when war has ended.