Canadian soldiers run riot in town (7-5-45)

The Pittsburgh Press (July 5, 1945)

Canadian soldiers run riot in town

LONDON, England – The Fourth of July was celebrated suitably last night when 500 Canadian soldiers took the garrison town of Aldershot to pieces.

The trouble began when a group of soldiers collected on a street corner and began to complain because their departure for Canada had been delayed due to lack of shipping.

Somebody started a rumor that three Canadian soldiers had been thrown into the local lockup. The unofficial army moved thither. En route they displayed their feelings by breaking the windows of local shops and smashing everything in sight, ringing up a score of 25 shops damaged and 87 windows broken.

Finally arrived at the jail, they were addressed by a Canadian officer who denied that any Canadians had been arrested. The soldiers returned quietly to their barracks.

Canadian headquarters today ordered a military court of inquiry.

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