Fake news
Gestapo: Hello there, You have unlocked a free visit to Auschwitz! Period of stay : Forever.
Fake news
Gestapo: Hello there, You have unlocked a free visit to Auschwitz! Period of stay : Forever.
MarsAttacks :
not yet.
Freisler’s People’s Court shouts intensify
Nazi state :
it is treason, then.
Pulls out, red lightsaber
That’s basically the People’s Court.
The Pittsburgh Press (November 12, 1942)
Reds report all attacks repelled; Stalingrad front stabilized
By Henry Shapiro, United Press staff writer
Moscow, USSR –
Winter has crushed German hopes of taking Stalingrad and the exhausted Nazis now have the choice of freezing to death on the steppes or retreating 40 miles beyond the Don River, where the weather is milder, battlefront dispatches said today.
The Soviet noon communiqué reported the smashing of enemy attacks, apparently not very powerful, and dispatches from Stalingrad said the front had been firmly stabilized since last Saturday, when the first freezing weather arrived.
The ground is already frozen too hard for the Germans to dig dugouts, the dispatches said. Hence, their only alternative to quick freezing is to fall back beyond the bend of the Don.
Terrible blizzards due
Any day, some of the most terrible blizzards in Russia will begin sweeping the steppe land around Stalingrad. Operations are almost impossible under such conditions.
Besides, the German Air Force has reduced drastically its operations. Its bombing is now limited to a comparatively few sorties over a 24-hour period against villages and communications on the left bank of the Volga.
Obsolete planes are operating in small groups and dropping small bombs that do insignificant damage.
Nalchik attack repulsed
These same conditions, it was said, now characterize the Tuapse and Nalchik fronts in the Caucasus, where the Russians have developed their initiative and improved their positions.
The noon communiqué reported the Russians southeast of Nalchik had repulsed a flanking attack by two battalions (2,000 men), killed 200 of them and destroyed three tanks. The Red Army attacked southeast of Nalchik yesterday, destroying three German tanks and additional war material.
Soviet troops have also regained the upper hand southeast of Nalchik, where the German drive toward the Grozny oil fields has been checked, Red Star, Russian Army organ, said today. The Russians attacked in force there and improved their positions.
Panzer spearhead faces destruction
Red Star reported one entire German Panzer division, spearhead of the Nazis’ Caucasus thrust, had been compelled to dig in, owing to lack of fuel, and now faces annihilation.
Red Star said the Germans, in attempts to extricate their forces bogged down near Nalchik, launched several; diversionary attacks in the direction of Mozdok without even denting the Russian defenses. Soviet artillery reported 21 enemy tanks destroyed in this sector.
The Russians were reported driving into a German-held village northwest of Stalingrad, and the noon communiqué said Soviet soldiers killed 130 Germans in Stalingrad with hand grenades in a group of houses. Soviet infantry and artillery broke up counterattacks by about two battalions northwest of Stalingrad, with heavy German losses. On another sector, they broke into enemy trenches and wiped out 80 Romanians.
Snipers kill 1,900 Germans
One German attack in Stalingrad was an attempt to wedge into a northern industrial section. It, like the others, was crushed, and Red artillery dispersed and partly wiped out two companies (400 Germans).
The communiqué reported that 440 Germans had been killed by Soviet artillery and infantry on the front opposite Moscow and that one sniper unit had killed 1,900 in a month.
The Pittsburgh Press (November 13, 1942)
Enemy checked in Caucasus; trucks bogged in mud and burned
By Henry Shapiro, United Press staff writer
Moscow, USSR –
A powerful flank drive by the Russians has already thrown a new German offensive against Stalingrad out of gear and forced the Nazis to divert big forces to defense positions, battlefront dispatches said today.
The new offensive raged on today over frozen ground in subfreezing weather, but the Germans appeared to have been checked and to have lost twice as much as they gained.
Units of five German divisions, supported by dive bombers and tanks, opened the main thrust early yesterday against the central sector of Stalingrad’s defenses.
Reds recapture villages
Other German forces simultaneously attacked on all other sectors. Suffering heavy losses, the Germans managed to gain 100-200 yards on the central sector, but the Russians, in a counterdrive on the northern sector, hurled the Germans back 400 yards.
Hastily, the Germans diverted big forces from the central sector and rushed them to the northern sector in an effort to contain the Russian advance, weakening their main drive.
Meanwhile, the Russians were increasing the score on their side. Radio Moscow reported that they had taken a village northwest of Stalingrad, and Red Army forces were officially reported to have taken two villages southeast of Nalchik, in the Caucasus.
Nazis bogged in muddy roads
They destroyed 170 trucks, and retreating, the Germans’ transport bogged down in roads transformed into mires by rains. They were reported burning them before the advancing Russians could capture them.
The latest Soviet communiqué reported only artillery duels today southeast of Nalchik, where Adolf Hitler had suffered another big defeat trying to seize the Grozny oil fields and the Georgian military highway.
The Germans were openly courting disaster at Stalingrad, although the forces they employed in this, the 82nd day of the city’s siege, were smaller than they had in the beginning of their costly offensive.
Nazis lack shelter
The defenders had made full use of a preceding lull to improve and fortify their positions. Presumably, the Germans were trying to make good Hitler’s promise that Stalingrad would be taken.
Any day, terrible blizzards will sweep Stalingrad and the bleak steppes about it. In such weather, which will hold until spring, neither Germans nor Russians can fight. The Germans have no shelter, and dispatches from Stalingrad had said they must retreat 40 miles across the Don River, where it is milder, soon or freeze to death.
Radio Vichy, now under complete German control, broadcast that the Germans had opened a new offensive against Stalingrad, that it was “most successful,” and the Russians were suffering heavy losses.
The Soviet communiqué reported another German attempt to cross a water barrier northwest of Tuapse Naval Base on the Black Sea, Soviet artillery, breaking it up, destroyed a ferry and inflicted considerable losses. Eight German planes were destroyed.
Eleven German planes were shot down on the approaches to Leningrad in one day, the communiqué said, and snipers in two days killed 500 Germans.
The Pittsburgh Press (November 14, 1942)
By Henry Shapiro, United Press staff writer
Moscow, USSR –
The Red Army counterattacked in Stalingrad today in an effort to make the renewed German offensive a total failure, while other Soviet forces advanced on both Caucasus fronts.
The Soviet noon communiqué suggested that the force of the new German offensive, opened in subfreezing weather, might have lessened.
It did not speak of “fierce fighting” as communiqués for several days have, and specifically mentioned only repeated attacks by two regiments (6,000 Germans) against a factory section in the northern part of Stalingrad.
Northwest of Stalingrad, the Russians killed several hundred more Axis troops.
The Red Army continued its advance southeast of Nalchik, and on the other Caucasus front, northeast of Tuapse Naval Base, routed a company of Germans and advanced.
Southeast of Nalchik, Soviet units took several German positions, destroyed six tanks, two guns and 150 of the enemy and shot down eight German planes, the noon communiqué said.
does this mean operation uranus has begun?
Not yet. It is coming soon…
guns here mean the artillery pieces right? Or infantry weapons?
Absolutely. Though it is possible that it could also have been enemy infantry weapons not mentioned in the dispatches, but hey.
Völkischer Beobachter (November 15, 1942)
dnb. Aus dem Führer-Hauptquartier, 14. November –
Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt:
Im Westteil des Kaukasus wurden bei örtlichen Angriffsunternehmungen beherrschende Bergstellungen und zahlreiche Kampfanlagen erstürmt. Kampfflugzeuge bombardierten Stadt und Hafen Tuapse. Im Terekabschnitt wurden starke Angriffe unter Vernichtung feindlicher Panzer abgewiesen. Deutsche motorisierte Truppen vernichteten in der Kalmückensteppe einen feindlichen Stützpunkt und brachten Gefangene und Beute ein.
Südlich Stalingrad blieben örtliche Angriffe der Bolschewisten im Abwehrfeuer rumänischer Truppen liegen. In Stalingrad nahmen Stoßtrupps in harten Kämpfen weitere Häuserblocks. Feindliche Gegenangriffe wurden abgewiesen und Bereitstellungen durch zusammengefaßtes Artillerie- und Flakfeuer und durch Sturzkampfflieger zerschlagen. An der Donfront wehrten deutsche und verbündete Truppen örtliche Angriffe des Feindes ab und warfen ihn im Gegenstoß auf seine Ausgangsstellungen zurück. Deutsche und rumänische Luftstreitkräfte flogen bei Tag und Nacht Angriffe gegen feindliche Truppenansammlungen.
Im mittleren Frontabschnitt vernichteten Stoßtrupps eine Anzahl Kampfstände. Die Luftwaffe setzte ihre schweren Angriffe gegen das rückwärtige Gebiet des Feindes fort. Angriffe des Feindes südostwärts des Ilmensees und am Wolchow scheiteten.
Die Sowjets verloren in der Zeit vom 1. bis 10. November 282 Flugzeuge, davon 218 in Luftkämpfen, 33 durch Flakartillerie der Luftwaffe und 11 durch Verbände des Heeres. Der Rest wurde am Boden zerstört. Im gleichen Zeitraum gingen 18 eigene Flugzeuge verloren.
In der Marmarica griff der Feind am 13. November mit unverminderter Stärke in breiter Front an. Die deutsch-italienischen Truppen haben nach Zerstörung aller militärischen Anlagen Tobruk planmäßig geräumt. Kampfflugzeuge bombardierten britische Kolonnen auf dem Halfayapaß.
In den Gewässern von Bougie versenkten Kampfflieger ein Handelsschiff von 6000 BRT. Zwei feindliche Kreuzer und fünf große Transporter wurden mehrfach getroffen. Die Vernichtung eines Kreuzers ist wahrscheinlich. Verladeeinrichtungen und Lagerhallen des Hafens Bougie wurden zerstört.
Wie bereits durch Sondermeldung bekanntgegeben, haben deutsche Unterseeboote im Angriff gegen die amerikanisch-britischen Landungsstreitkräfte in Nordwestafrika und in der Atlantikschlacht den feindlichen Kriegs- und Transportflotten erneut ungewöhnlich schwere Verluste zugefügt. Sie versenkten im Eismeer, im Nordatlantik, vor der kanadischen Küste, in der Karibischen See, bei den Kapverdischen Inseln, im Golf von Guinea und im Seegebiet östlich von Kapstadt aus gesicherten Geleitzügen und in Einzeljagd zwanzig Schiffe mit zusammen 119.000 BRT. sowie einen Zerstörer. Zwei weitere Schiffe wurden torpediert.
Im westlichen Mittelmeer vernichteten sie aus der britisch-amerikanischen Transportflotte wieder zwei Transporter und einen Großtanker von zusammen 20.000 BRT. sowie einen Zerstörer, so daß sich die Erfolge der Unterseeboote vor den Küsten von Algier und Marokko auf elf Transporter mit 99.100 BRT. erhöht haben.
Seit der Sondermeldung vom 9. November hat die Unterseebootwaffe im Mittelmeer und auf dem atlantischen Kriegsschauplatz 31 Handelsschiffe mit zusammen 218.100 BRT. versenkt und weitere sechs durch Torpedotreffer beschädigt. Daneben wurden seit dem 9. November zwei britische Kreuzer und vier Zerstörer versenkt, ein Flugzeugträger, ein Zerstörer und eine Korvette beschädigt.
Should have started on the 8th, they are running late. Luckily the Germans are planning to stay in Stalingrad the whole Winter anyway. They will get their wish, but it might not be they wanted it to play out !
Is it because Stalingrad is very beautiful city? I did NOT write the previous sentence under ANY NKVD pressure.
Well… one should be careful of one wishes for… one might get it… though not as one desires.
Is it because Stalingrad is very beautiful city? I did NOT write the previous sentence under ANY NKVD pressure.
Well… one should be careful of one wishes for… one might get it… though not as one desires.
It is still high on my list. Actually I wanted to be there during victory day in 2020. I had a few colleagues from Wolgograd and they told me it is gorgeous and the whole city is basically a massive monument!
In our timeline it eerily starts to look like Napoleon who captured Moscow, stayed there for 35 days to get a politica “peace” l solution (that was no option for the Germans either and they fled).
The difference is obviously the Uranus encirclement which prevented fleeing but like the Grande Armee no one could come to help them out with food/etc.
See below, I can’t help to think about the fish in finding Nemo having their “NOW WHAT” moment!
Kutuzov’s gambit: How Moscow became a trap for Napoleon - Russia Beyond (rbth.com)
In der Marmarica griff der Feind am 13. November mit unverminderter Stärke in breiter Front an. Die deutsch-italienischen Truppen haben nach Zerstörung aller militärischen Anlagen Tobruk planmäßig geräumt.
Wow, they destroyed all military stations and left Tobruk according to Plan and Massive British casualties as usual? Interesting plan ?
Wow, they destroyed all military stations and left Tobruk according to Plan and Massive British casualties as usual? Interesting plan ?
Nazi run papers be like
: No we are not retreating… we are advancing in another direction
Some random guy
: Yeah… into your own territority
Sound of a single bullet shot
Nazi run papers
: *Like we said… advancing. *
I Need a minum of 20 cats to reply
well… you can use the empty character to reply… as shown below.
copy paste the empty character from here.