America at war! (1941– ) (Part 1)

Army staff in huddle

General dissatisfied with maneuvers in Carolinas

$205 billion appropriated

Staggering sum marked for spending in 3-year period

FDR critic released

New York (UP) –
Moses Elisberg, 45, sent to jail for 30 days by a magistrate for criticizing President Roosevelt and British generals in a public park, was released on a $50 bail last night, after three justices in the appellate division of special sessions granted a certificate of reasonable doubt.

He had been in jail five days.

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Völkischer Beobachter (August 9, 1942)

Versenkungserfolge von der USA.-Küste bis Afrika –
Panzergrabenstellung vor Krasnodar durchbrochen

Reading Eagle (August 9, 1942)

Enemy forces assaulted at island bases

Battles raging in Aleutians and Solomons, Admiral Nimitz informs Navy

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Escape chair

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Dasch… 30 years in jail

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Burger… life imprisonment

Executions shake Nazis

Former Berlin reporter believes leniency idea dispelled in Reich
By Pierre J. Huss

New York (INS) – (Aug. 8)
Any Nazi complacency about American inclinations toward leniency even to spies and traitors has been effectively shattered by the execution today of six of the eight condemned Nazi saboteurs.

From my own knowledge of Nazi Germany, I feel certain that the manner in which the military trial was conducted and the swiftness with which justice was meted out once a verdict had been reached and handed to the President for his approval will cause serious setbacks on Hitler’s planned fifth column and sabotage activities in the United States.

We can expect the Axis prophets of distortion – led by the little Nazi propaganda fiend Joseph Goebbels – to drum up a pained outcry about “Yankee brutality.”

They will seek, no doubt, to camouflage and distort the bare facts in Berlin, Rome and Tokyo, but there is scarcely an Axis individual of even mediocre intelligence to whom the blow will not strike home regardless of the officially-inspired propaganda.

Clear-cut warning

I know that in Naziland, the average German will read the regimented morning newspapers and listen to the government radio without enthusiasm, inside, where the Gestapo cannot look, he will be aware that the electric switch thrown in Washington District of Columbia jail today is a clear-cut warning to all the world that a similar fate awaits every saboteur, spy or traitor caught in the United States.

Death to persons accused of such crimes in the Nazi Reich is a foregone conclusion. But the important difference is that in Naziland, there is no such thing as a fair trial. Hitler is not interested in due process of law. The accused is “railroaded” to death by a rubber-stamp tribunal known as “the People’s Court” and in many instances even this formality is dispensed with.

We in America have shown to the world that even in a time of dire crisis we can preserve those tenets of justice which form part of the principles for which we are fighting this war.

Each and every one of the saboteurs was given every opportunity to defend himself and expert military counsel was assigned them by the President with explicit orders to give them every defense justified by the facts.

Paid penalty

But once the decision was reached after careful and honorable weighing of testimony, nothing was allowed to interfere with making the saboteurs pay fully for the crimes of which they were found guilty.

This will ring a bell not only in Nazi Germany, but in a different and equally dramatic way in the oppressed Nazi-occupied lands which have had a taste of the Nazi brand of justice.

There will be no suppressing the fact from either Germany or the conquered lands. The radio broadcasts emanating from Britain and America will take care of that. These are listened to secretly by enough people throughout Europe to spread the word eventually to everybody by word of mouth.

The average German will have occasion to compare the American brand of justice with what he has witnesses almost daily in his own country. And the average patriot in the conquered countries will feel somewhat repaid for the bitter penalties inflicted on him and his fellow victims in Europe by the Nazi tyrants.

Hitler himself will study this report with incredulous eyes and frown at the new complications that come with it. His first step, in view of this unexpected turn in the land of “the Yankees,” will be to order Propaganda Minister Goebbels to prepare a version for public consumption doctored to fit the measure of Nazi propaganda.

No admissions

Naturally, there can be no admission in Berlin of the fact that these men were saboteurs trained in Berlin and shipped over to America by U-boat. The Nazi cry more than likely will endeavor to pin the mantle of martyrdom on “persecuted and innocent victims of German blood,” who died:

…on the field of battle like any soldier and consequently will be remembered and mourned as such by all Germans.

That has been the method resorted to by the Nazis in washing their hands of all responsibility in similar cases since the outbreak of war.

But it goes without saying that the Washington executions will seriously “blitz” the Nazi sabotage and spy schools and interfere with the recruiting of adaptable candidates for such hazardous jobs.

Hitherto, as far as could be learned in Berlin, these schools made much of the fact that non-Axis lands ordinarily deal leniently with individuals convicted of being on Hitler’s payroll. It was presumably pointed out that in the lands of the Western Hemisphere especially, there was little to risk except perhaps a prison sentence, usually commuted at the end of the war. That was something not to be underestimated in persuading prospective candidates to enroll in the secret schools.

Harsh examples

The Nazis themselves have always been their own harshest example to spies, saboteurs and traitors.

The Gestapo or German military counterespionage service picks up a man or woman suspected of espionage, sabotage. Or treason and says nothing about the case. There is no announcement until after the special Nazi tribunal known as “the People’s Court” has pronounced and carried out the death penalty.

The public becomes aware of the case when the blood-red notices appear on public bulletin boards giving in bold-face type the name of the person executed and the charges. In Berlin, I used to see as many as six to eight of these death notices each morning.

News of Haupt’s death is kept from parents

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Chicago (INS) – (Aug. 8)
U.S. Marshal William McDonald tonight said that the parents of Herbert Haupt, one of the six Nazi saboteurs executed in Washington today, will not be told of his electrocution – at least for the time being.

Mr. and Mrs. Hans Max Haupt, the dead youth’s father and mother, are in the Cook County jail awaiting action on charges they aided their son when he returned to Chicago from Germany where he had taken special schooling in sabotage.

The marshal said, however, that the elder Haupts might possibly learn of the death of their son through the jail’s “grapevine.”

FBI arrests 33 ‘dangerous’ aliens

NYA instructor among New York prisoners

U.S. bombers hit Jap bases in China

Docks, wharves blasted in vicinity of Canton

Gable awaiting word from Army Air Forces

Hollywood (AP) – (Aug. 8)
Actor Clark Gable said tonight he had offered his services to the Army Air Forces three weeks ago and hoped to hear neat week whether he would be accepted and in what capacity.

Gable said he had conferred with Army Air Force officials in Washington, DC, and was awaiting a reply.

He said he had not enlisted.

Leaders in war effort on air this afternoon

Washington (AP) – (Aug. 8)
President Roosevelt and other leaders of the war effort will tell the nation tomorrow about the critical needs of war production.

They will speak in connection with an Army-Navy production award program on CBS from 2 to 2:30 p.m. EWT.

The President’s message will be read by Elmer Davis, director of the Office of War Information.

Red Cross acquires big ship to speed supplies

Washington (INS) – (Aug. 8)
The American Red Cross announced tonight that the 7,000-ton Swedish motorship Kanangoora has been chartered to carry relief supplies to American prisoners of war in the Far East.

Four die as Army bomber explodes

Plane sinks in bay near San Rafael, California

Australians get warning

Jap invasion imminent, Army Minister says; war pace quickens

Planes blast Axis convoys

American fliers destroy transport and hit other vessels
By the Associated Press

U.S. whistles for 125,000 dogs for canine service battalion

Nine firms are named in complaints

Commission may issue ‘cease, desist’ orders as result of probe

Channel anglers save U.S. flier

Airman bails out of his blazing Spitfire

New corps is praised by director

Nineteen units pass review at Fort Des Moines, Iowa
By Inez Robb

Rankin asks payment to soldiers’ families

Völkischer Beobachter (August 10, 1942)

1 Schlachtschiff, 7 Kreuzer und 10 Transporter versenkt

Japan beherrscht den Pazifik

Das Kaiserlich japanische Hauptquartier gab am Sonntagnachmittag bekannt: Japanische Marinestreltkräfte unternehmen seit dem 7. August heftige Angriffe gegen kombinlerte britisch-amerikanische Flotteneinheiten, die in den Gewässern der Salomoninseln sich zeigten. Sie fügten den feindlichen Kriegsschiffen sowie den Transportern vernichtende Schläge zu. Der Kampf dauert noch an.

Bisher wurden versenkt: Ein Schlachtschiff unbekannten Typs, zwei schwere Kreuzer vom Typ Astoria, zwei schwere Kreuzer vom Typ Australia, mehr als drei Kreuzer unbekannten Typs, mehr als vier Zerstörer und mehr als zehn Transporter.

Schwer beschädigt wurden: Drei Kreuzer vom Typ Minneapolis, mehr als zwei Zerstörer und bestimmt ein Transporter. Bei Luftkämpfen wurden über 41 feindliche Maschinen abgeschossen.

Die japanischen Verluste belaufen sich auf sieben Maschinen, die durch direkten Einsatz auf das Ziel verloren gingen. Außerdem wurden zwei Kreuzer leicht beschädigt, die jedoch weiterhin operationsfähig sind.

Diese Seeschlacht wird, wie das Hauptquartier hinzufügt, den Namen tragen: Seeschlacht bei den Salomoninseln. Die Salomoninseln, in deren Gewässern die Seeschlacht stattfindet, liegen ostwärts von Neuguinea. Die Korallensee trennt sie von Australien.

Die neue Niederlage im Pazifik trifft die Verbündeten um so schwerer, als sie offenbar den Zusammenbruch wirklich großangelegter Pläne darstellt. Australiens Ministerpräsident Curtin enthüllte am Sonntag in einer Erklärung zu dem amerikanischen Kommuniqué über die Schlacht bei den Salomoninseln, die Operationen bedeuteten die Verwirklichung von Vorbereitungen‚ die in den letzten Wochen von den Vereinigten Nationen und Australien getroffen worden seien. Die Operationen seien entschieden offensiv gedacht gewesen und sollten die Absicht bezeugen‚ daß man mit aller Kraft einen Angriffskrieg führen wollte.

Zu der Seeschlacht bei den Salomoninseln erklärt man in zuständigen japanischen Kreisen, allem Anschein nach versuchte der Feind, durch den außerordentlichen stark geschützten Konvoi Kriegsmaterial und vielleicht sogar Truppen nach Australien zu bringen. Auch bei dieser Gelegenheit zeigt sich, wie man ausdrücklich betont, daß die japanische Marine die Gewässer des Pazifiks und vor allern die Zufahrtwege nach Australien völlig beherrscht. Einen gleich schweren Schlag bedeute der Ausgang der Seechlacht bei den Salomoninseln für Australien, das hiedurch eine dringend benötigte Unterstützung verlor. Seine Hoffnungen auf eine wirksame Hilfe dürften auf diese Weise immer mehr schwinden.

Die vernichtende Niederlage der Alliierten in der Schlacht bei den Salomoninseln hat offenbar sowohl den Amerikanern als den Engländern den Atem verschlagen. In Washington hat sich das Marineministerium mit Mühe und Not dazu aufgerafft‚ am späten Sonntagabend ein lakonisches Kommuniqué herauszugeben, Streitkräfte der amerikanischen Flotte und andere Waffengattungen hätten einen Massenangriff gegen feindliche Anlagen auf den südöstlichen Teil der Salomoninseln unternommen.

Bei den in der Seeschlacht bei den Salomoninseln versenkten beziehungsweise schwer beschädigten Kreuzern der Astoria- und der Minneapolis-Klasse handelt es sich um Kriegsschiffe der Vereinigten Staaten, die erst 1933 vom Stapel gelaufen sind, also zu den modernsten dieser Schiffsgattung in USA. mit gehören. Diese schweren Kreuzer haben eine Wasserverdrängung von 9950 Tonnen. Sie sind bewaffnet mit je acht 20,3-Zentimeter-Geschützen, acht 12,7-Zentimeter-Flakgeschützen, zwei 4,7-Zentimeter-Geschützen und acht 4-Zentimeter-Flakgeschützen. Außerdem haben sie je vier Flugzeuge an Bord.

Die schweren Kreuzer vom Typ Australia gehören zur britischen Kriegsmarine. Sie verdrängen 9870 Tonnen und sind 1927 vom Stapel gelaufen. Ihre Bewaffnung sind acht 20,3-Zentimeter-Geschütze, acht 10,2-Zentimeter-Flakgeschütze, vier 4,7-Zentimeter-Geschütze, acht 4-Zentimeter-Flakgeschütze und acht Flak-MG.s in Viererlafette. Diese Kreuzerklasse hat ein Bordflugzeug.

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