Public to get canned chicken
By George Keaney, Scripps-Howard service writer
By Gracie Allen
I read where Hermann Goering is afraid of thunder and lightning.
If I had his record I would be, too. It probably reminds him of the Allied Air Force.
Goering is in an extra bad spot during a thunderstorm because no bed is high enough for anyone of his build to crawl under.
The story said that Goering was in such bad shape as a result of that thunderstorm that it might mean as much as his life is worth to put him on trial for mass murder.
Well, I think he ought to have a little rest before his trial. Send him to one of those lovely little Nazi resort cities like Belsen or Buchenwald where he sent so many others. And fellow, will you be sure to give Hermann a nice room with a view?
Handley may lead new batting list; Butcher to duel with Passeau
By Dan Daniel