America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Chinese seize road junction below Kweilin

Allies also gain north of air base

Million-man Army group of Gen. Bradley disbanded

Face organized just year ago swept through France, Belgium and then Germany

Allies will try only 25 top Nazis

Suicide plane kills 22 on battleship

But USS Mississippi continues in action

Simms: Yanks didn’t allow Laval to hide behind U.S. flag

That’s apparently what Vichy leader sought to do when he flew from Spain to Austria
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Guns softening Borneo oil town

Australians close on Samarinda

10th Air Force shifted to China

Editorial: Nonpartisan, bipartisan

Editorial: Connally’s mistake

Editorial: New Deal for amputees

Edson: Duke of Windsor creates stir by capital lunch

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Old virtues best

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Socialism, British style

By Bertram Benedict

Perkins: Labor agrees with vets on job benefits

Congress or court must clarify law
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

War veterans must help pay own bonuses

Duty as civilian is emphasized
By Douglas Smith, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Army lifts the curtain on jet plane – Shooting Star

Fastest thing in the air, it tops 550 miles an hour and rises more than 45,000 feet

‘Europe after the war’ –
Turtle Creek man ‘shoots’ enough action for movie

He has many close calls on air, ground; helps ‘capture’ Nazi general and staff
By Henry Ward

Monahan: E. Keyes to visit Pittsburgh

She’ll spend busy day here Friday
By Kaspar Monahan

P. Terry wields a mean mop

Servant problem plagues actors
By Patricia Clary

Millett: Soldiers’ wives are patient

Writer praises women at home
By Ruth Millett

$10½ billion to be spent by industries

Outlay planned for next 12 months

War contract settlements pose problem

V-J Day to bring $44 billion job

Poll: Public against Congress seat for Presidents

53% opposes Republicans’ plan
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion