America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Aussies advance toward oilfield

Japs in Borneo reluctant to fight

Jap civilians flee in death march

Another German U-boat captured

Poll: Public favors tax-supported cancer study

$200 million suggested for fund
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Hitler’s rascals all sure that he’s dead duck

By William H. Stoneman

Diary of Count Ciano –
Laval sold out France to Hitler with hardly a protest late in 1942

Germans ran roughshod over Vichy puppet; Duce lived on rice, milk, Ciano wrote

Youngstown Vindicator (July 21, 1945)

2 Wake Marines escape, tell how tiny island fell

Nurse tells of war havoc

Patton takes orders from gal lieutenant

By Judy Barden, North American Newspaper Alliance

Editorial: The President on bases

Editorial: A working day in the Pacific

What of Reich re-education?

Observer says Germans getting none; are justifying defeat
By Pat Frank, Overseas News Agency writer

United Nations administrator may be designed at Potsdam

By Pertinax, North American Newspaper Alliance

Lawrence: Bretton Woods plan not final

Congress majority could end our participation if things go wrong
By David Lawrence

Duce termed Italy sick of war

A real fish story! ‘Horrible four-footer’ similar to those of 20 million years ago

U.S. State Department (July 21, 1945)

Log of the President’s Trip to the Berlin Conference

Saturday, July 21:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1500: Mail arrived from Washington.

1545: The President conferred with Secretary Byrnes.

1635: The President and his party left the Little White House for Cecilienhof. We arrived at the Palace at 1645.

The fifth meeting of the conference was called to order at 1700. The conference adjourned at 1925, and the President returned to the Little White House at 1935.

At 2015 the President, accompanied by Mr. Davies, Mr. Byrnes and Admiral Leahy, left the Little White House for Generalissimo Stalin’s residence where they attended a dinner given by the Generalissimo. Present were: The President, Mr. Byrnes, Mr. Harriman, Admiral Leahy, Mr. Davies, Mr. Bohlen, Prime Minister Churchill, Mr. Eden, Mr. Attlee, Lord Leathers, Major Birse, Generalissimo Stalin, Mr. Molotov, Mr. Vyshinski, Mr. Beria (People’s Commissar for Internal Affairs), Mr. Gousev, Mr. Gromyko, and Mr. Pavlov.

The President returned to the Little White House at 2330.

Neues Österreich (July 22, 1945)

Alle britischen Schlachtschiffe im Pazifik

Die Potsdam Konferenz

L’Aube (July 22, 1945)

Potsdam va de l’avant !

déclarent les Américains

La grande artiste Grace Moore chantera mardi du balcon de l’Opéra

La France a perdu plus d’hommes que l’Angleterre et les États-Unis