Editorial: Warsaw on trial
Farmers and labor lead opposition
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion
Kilgore Committee finds records of supplies in Europe ‘hopelessly confused’
By Gracie Allen
FORT LEWIS, Washington – Well, I see that when a strike prevented delivery of some New York newspapers. Mayor La Guardia rushed into the crisis, and read the funnies to the children over the radio, so they wouldn’t miss any installments. It seems he growled and puffed and made such wonderful sound effects like “eeek” and “blam” that the newspapers are worried for fear the children will demand the mayor as a supplement with the funnies from now on.
Goodness, if Mayor La Guardia were running for reelection, he’s probably have rushed right into the kiddies’ homes and given his readings in costume.
I think Congress is going to get some ideas from him, as it is. Reading the funnies over the air is a lot easier than kissing all the babies in your district, and besides, it saves transportation.