America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Up to us

By Florence Fisher Parry

Fight over FEPC now back in Senate

Senate may ignore new measure – 10 agencies cut off in bitter feud

Newspaper union again defies WLB

Membership called to meeting Sunday

Texas Belle’s ‘Georgie’ returns

Major to question her about affair

Surplus board plan to aid G.I.’s brings protest

Legion, VFW object to limit on purchases
By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Fulton wants families to join G.I.’s overseas

Insurance man given post CIO thought it would get

Aggression called criminal act

Warsaw group recognized by Big Three

Boundary question to be settled next

Goodyear strikers back; Firestone out

Navy takes control of 5 seized plants

Churchill plans visit to France

Vacation precedes Big Three meeting

Jap planes damage two destroyers

La Guardia set to visit Europe

Drinking in last 10 years has doubled, WCTU says

But public’s bill has jumped from $15.80 per capita to $54, report adds

Kirkpatrick: De Gaulle asks cabinet vote of confidence

Special meeting set for tomorrow
By Helen Kirkpatrick

French troops cleared

PARIS, France – Supreme Headquarters said today that an investigation into charges by Sen. James O. Eastland (D-Mississippi) that French Senegalese troops assaulted 5,000 German women in a subway showed the allegation was unfounded.

Big dye trust in Germany seized by U.S.

Farben war plants to be destroyed

Marine leader sees Jap crackup

Smith expects move by industrialists

Japs won’t be able to use V-bomb data, Germans say

Third quarter steel orders halted by WPB

Agency will check books of producers

Editorial: Mr. Morgenthau resigns