America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Editorial: ‘Safe and sane’

Editorial: Future Pacific peace

Edson: Knockout for German Army staff outlined

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Fight for equal rights

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Veterans and a closed shop

By Bertram Benedict

Ripped plane lands safely with crew hanging to sides

Yank craft hits Jap freighter’s mast and takes some of it back to base
By William F. Tyree, United Press war correspondent

Byrnes sworn in as Secretary of State

Peace depends on people, he says

Supply commands created in Pacific

Gen. Richardson gets new Army post

War contract terminations rise in May

Cancellations reflect V-E Day cutbacks

41,600 tires lost in rubber strike not needed, union asserts

But Army, Navy say walkout cost lives
By S. Burton Heath

Bell: The Red soldier

By Jack Bell

Stokes: It’s work now

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Hot stuff

By Fred Othman

Love: 169 years ago

By Gilbert Love

Inside the Axis gang: The diary of Count Ciano –
Duce threatened Britain on eve of World War II

‘Rocks sailor says Ernie Pyle often became seasick

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

I see the telephone company says that pretty soon they’ll have phones installed in autos. My goodness, aren’t the men upset enough about women drivers now? Imagine how nasty they’ll be when we women are driving while carrying on a nice conversation about Charles Boyer over the auto-phone.

Now when a woman bumps into someone in traffic, she can roll up the window and not listen to the bad language. But with a phone in the car, the other car driver could call up right away and say what he thought.

And a married man getting bawled out all the way home over an auto-phone for bringing a friend to dinner would be too nervous to notice stop signals. But if the traffic officer was married himself, he’d probably be sympathetic and send the ticket to the telephone company.

Can Brooklyn and Detroit uphold adage?

Awards for some Merchant Marines

Hypnotism to be tried on radio

‘Scientist’ to do broadcasts
By Si Steinhauser

Millett: Let’s have all the facts about shortage of food

By Ruth Millett