America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

The Pittsburgh Press (July 3, 1945)

Two Borneo airfields seized

Foe caught off guard by B-29s; suicide bases also hit, Tokyo says

Hit the dirt men! Uh-uh, it’s that boogie bird again

Borneo jungle inmate sends troops diving with imitation of a mortar shell
By Richard Harris, United Press staff writer

Rain-soaked Yanks march into Berlin

By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

It’s pay day, Congressmen, step up and get your $1,250

House members get first instalment of $2,500 raise; future checks to come monthly

Senator urges security curb

Wants delegate guided by Congress

Tire strikers demand Senate probe Akron

Cite closing of 2 plants for vacations

Union attorney to attend hearing

New York drivers defy labor board

Hopkins may quit White House job

Seven-pound son born to Mickey and Mrs. Rooney

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama (UP) – Mrs. Betty Jane Rooney, wife of soldier-actor Mickey Rooney, gave birth to a seven-pound, five-ounce son today at the Jefferson Memorial Hospital here.

The father, recently promoted to sergeant, was in Paris, France, with a special service entertainment unit that has toured Germany and other European war fronts.

Betty Jane and Mickey were married here last September after a five-day whirlwind romance. Rooney then was stationed at nearby Camp Seibert.

It was Betty Jane’s first and Mickey’s second marriage.

Two more admirals join Jap ancestors

By the United Press

The Domei Jap news agency today broadcast that the Yokosuka Naval Station had announced the deaths of Rear Adms. Yasuatsu Suzuki and Yoshiro Kato. No details were given.

The voice of the turtle

By Florence Fisher Parry

Ford City glass strike called off

Plant last of 11 to end walkout

Farben cartel served Nazis in espionage

Story revealed by records at Frankfurt
By Marshall McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Sailor’s killer primps in jail

Mrs. Stevens awaits husband’s arrival

Pyle’s medal for merit to be presented to widow

Memorial ceremony in Washington to follow showing of Story of G.I. Joe

77th Division erects new Pyle monument

IE SHIMA, Ryukyus (UP) – A monument erected by men of the 77th Division with whom he covered his last campaign today marked the spot where war correspondent Ernie Pyle fell on Ie Shima.

The concrete marker replaces a painted board at the spot where Pyle was killed by a Jap sniper’s bullet.

First 1946 Ford rolls off assembly line

It’s more economical, powerful, comfortable

Governors urged to back peace charter

Cmdr. Stassen outlines program

Battle below –
Some don’t come back, like this submarine which hit Pacific reef

Luck is with crew, however, because U.S. planes spot wreck and rescue comes quick
By Robert J. Casey

In Washington –
FEPC wrangle still threat to agencies bill

New measure faces rough path in House

Veterans in wheelchairs kept off Roosevelt walk

Rankin leads fight against Jackson

Claims he opposed creation of group

Editorial: Paving the way