Nippon balloon bombs
LISBON (Domei, June 28) – Nippon long-range balloon explosives and mines which are being sent out over the Pacific are continuing to menace the west coast of Canada, where steps are being taken to safeguard fishing craft and beachgoers, says a Canadian dispatch.
Stettinius resigns
LISBON (Domei, June 28) – U.S. President Harry Truman announced last night that he has accepted the resignation of Secretary of State Edward Stettinius and appointed him U.S. representative on the “World Security Council,” according to a Washington dispatch.
U.S. casualties in Luzon
LISBON (Domei, June 28) – An American dispatch today reported that total American losses in dead and wounded in the Northern Luzon campaign alone so far have amounted to 15,158.
Present strife ‘war of revelations’: World upheaval exposes truths
Thought-provoking Nippon Times editorial
L’Aube (June 29, 1945)
Le partage des zones en Allemagne –
Coblence et Mayence aux français
Carlsruhe, plaque tournante, est laissée aux Américains
L’ile de Luçon complètement libérée
Le communiqué de général MacArthur annonce que la totalité de l’ile de Luçon est maintenant libérée.
Kärntner Nachrichten (June 29, 1945)
Die neue polnische Regierung gebildet
Bekanntgabe der Ministerliste in Warschau
Die Insel Luzon befreit
Ein weiteres Sprungbrett gegen Japan
Außenminister Stettinius zurückgetreten
Zum amerikanischen Vertreter im Rat und der Vollversammlung der Vereinten Nationen ernannt
The Pittsburgh Press (June 29, 1945)
Japs moving plants to Manchuria
Superforts hit again after firing sea base and three other cities
3 Nazis hanged for killing Yank
Executions first of war criminals
U.S. fleet prowls Makassar Strait
Japs report landing on Balikpapan near
Adopt charter or bring chaos, Senate warned
Vandenberg pleads for ratification
Killer of sailor in love triangle
Victim slain as innocent bystander; shooting follows drunken quarrel
Filibusterers assail Hillman
CIO leader called commonest Communist
No peace offer, Grew insists
Rally to protest housing of Jap-Americans
North Siders to have their say tonight