America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Ships and planes to use radar

Will be used by lighthouses
By Si Steinhauser

Navy nurse’s body to be sent home

In Washington –
Bilbo holds Senate floor in filibuster to kill FEPC

Little hope of quieting him held by members – McKellar calls it ‘disgrace’

AP will request rehearing of case

Youngstown Vindicator (June 28, 1945)

Jap convoy smashed in North Pacific

U.S. task force goes into action southeast of Paramushiru

Frau Goering, in airy castle, works, waits husband’s fate

By Howard Cowan, Associated Press staff writer

Editorial: Mr. Stettinius’ new job

Editorial: The Bunker Hill’s disaster

Lippmann: Four-power plan for Jap war now possible and imperative

By Walter Lippmann

Lawrence: Stettinius job held ‘obvious’

Exactly the right man to head U.S. delegation
By David Lawrence

Kirkpatrick: Nazi big shots feel iron fist

Prisoners get taste of simple life
By Helen Kirkpatrick

Currey, orphan hero, gets Medal of Honor

Western sheriff seizes Japanese balloon intact

Entertainment emphasized in new Barbary Coast story

By Jane Lamb

French disappointed in American lovers

PARIS, France (UP) – French women are alleged to be deeply disappointed in the technique of American lovers after having been led to expect great things from the Hollywood version of their charm.

The French weekly publication Samedi Soir, taking the task of speaking for its countrywomen, said French women have found the Yanks charmless lovers and far less well behaved than the films led them to expect.

The major fault with the Americans is that they become “unbearably drunk,” the magazine asserts. Also they talk too much, laugh too loud, are too devil-may-care and are unable to distinguish respectable women from those who are not.

Frenchmen believe the Americans exert a vulgar influence on the girls, teaching them to chew gum and talk through their noses.

The Syonan Shimbun (June 29, 1945)

Foe attack on Nippon proper would be divine opportunity to smite foe

Noted naval commentator’s observations

New army command set up to defend Tokyo metropolis

Deadly accuracy of Jinrai ‘human bomb’ described

Kyushu people gleeful, ready to smash foe

By a Domei correspondent

Heavy Japanese resistance in Burma reported

Editorial: ‘Ware the enemy!