America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Editorial: ‘The big brass’

Editorial: First in the air

Editorial: ‘Why it must succeed’

Soldiers crack books while they train and fight

By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Perkins: Which way labor?

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

Fantastic characters and famous stories feature book about Brooklyn Dodgers

Frank Graham omits nothing
By John D. Paulus

Here’s a love scene that top ‘em all!

Hume Cronyn and newcomer stage wooing match, and it’s a howl
By Maxine Garrison

R. Moley glorifies the Hays Office

He pays tribute to ‘the Czar’ and his efficient organization
By Florence Fisher Parry

Monahan: Emil Jannings falls on evil days

One-time screen idol on trial for selling out to Hitlerites
By Kaspar Monahan

Erskine dishes up some gossip

By Erskine Johnson

Playwrights making plans

Busy season is the outlook
By Jack Gaver

Old questions are revived as season is reviewed

A leading query concerns the commercial theater as an art
By Burton Rascoe

Ted Malone considers making Germany over greatest war task

Correspondent says beating Japs doesn’t mean victory is won
By Si Steinhauser

Pavot easy victory of Belmont race

Wins by five lengths; Wildlife is second, Jeep finishes third

Living on borrowed time –
Williams: A Greenberg comeback will uplift service ballplayers

By Joe Williams

Combating criticism –
Bowling tackles ‘sunshine’ cry

Illegal sales of Canadian stocks probed

100 investigations conducted by SEC

Australians praise U.S. for saving nation

Also gloss over job they did

Writers view wonders of air research lab

Experiments shape future of aviation
By Henry Ward, Press aviation editor

Bronze Stars confuse kin of soldiers

Each earns 5 points toward discharge


Title and subtitle contradict each other.

The Syonan Shimbun (June 25, 1945)

‘Foundation for sure victory laid in new act,’ War Minister declares

Great step in country’s military system

TENNA HEIKA lauds nation’s war effort

Enemy repeatedly hurled back

TOKYO (June 24, Domei) – Nippon defenders firmly entrenched in three salient in the eastern and western coasts of Main Okinawa Island are repeatedly hurling back enemy forces fanatically attempting to pierce the Nippon line in the central area, in the Shimajiri sector in the southern part of the island.

Since Thursday, June 21, the Nippon defenders have been gallantly bucking the invaders in all areas in the fierce sanguinary battle in Shimajiri sector where a fierce sanguinary battle is developing. Intensified fighting is at present raging in three salients.

Furious foe thrusts

They are firstly, in the eastern coastal area around the heights north of Arakaki and Maedaira; secondly, in the area centering around Mabuni, south-east of the aforementioned area; and thirdly, in the western coastal area from the height north of Makabe Village to the plateau north of Mezato.

The enemy invaders in a determined effort to gain complete control of Nippon salients in the Shimajiri sector launched an all-out offensive in an attempt to break down stubborn Nippon resistance. However, our garrison forces, braving adverse conditions with high fighting spirit and morale, are, despite overwhelming odds, continually turning back furious enemy thrusts.