America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Ship raise breaks stabilization rule

11.6% increase given workers on coast

Truman saves two spies’ lives

Wallace aide in rapture over surplus tires

Ciano’s revealing diary to be printed in The Press

Sensational document smuggled out of Italy tells inside story of Rome-Berlin Axis

U.S. hails agreement on Polish setup

290 Allied courts operate in Reich

Storm due to hit Gulf coast today

Food from America means paradise to the Dutch

Five years under rule of Germans leave natives grim and suspicious
By Louis M. Lyons, North American Newspaper Alliance

Protests halt German-film sale

Simms: World opinion key to peace, Halifax says

British leader thinks persuasion will help
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Frisco parley moves toward close Tuesday

Charter for peace now completed

Truman busy on Big Three plans, awaits Frisco talk Tuesday

President will close security conference, visit home, then leave on trip to Berlin

Congress to probe radio patents

Lewis pushes organization of foremen

Conference arranged with mine owners

Jap wounded executed in Philippines

Seized papers show enemy atrocities

Churchill hails Okinawa victory

Ike may leave European post

Nazi labor boss found in pigsty

Fugitive seized with stolen funds

Millett: Foreign wives’ return resented by Americans

Give soldiers first consideration in distribution of passage home
By Ruth Millett

Poll: U.S. public hopes Churchill wins election

Popularity likened to Roosevelt’s
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Lupe Velez’s furs and gems sold at auction ‘dirt cheap’

$25,000 emerald-and-diamond bracelet goes to jewelry dealer for $7,500

Lover kills wife of G.I. prisoner


‘Catseye’ Kelly sights Jap destroyer in dark

By Robert J. Casey

‘Honeymoon huts’ for WACs, G.I.’s

More ‘hot cargo’?
House inquiry threatened in union drive

Farm groups fight join-or-else order
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Editorial: Baruch Plan for Germany