America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

At $56 per in New York –
Teamsters reaping fortune from foes on food trucks

Union’s demand that haulers join up can be enforced in industrial East
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

The chance came on Okinawa –
All his life he dreamed of doing something big

Praying gives Marine courage to sacrifice his hand that 14 buddies might live
By Sgt. Ed Ruder, USMC combat correspondent

$913 million asked for relief of Europe

Mr. Brown sees a newsreel

By Florence Fisher Parry

Peace plan starts war –
Perkins: Labor groups unite in fight on new bill

Sponsor promises hearings for all
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Gen. Ike gets ‘homey’ day in Abilene

Big celebration recalls his youth

‘It’s no fun to die’ –
Private X condemns Patton for talk of another war

Don’t tell homefolks we lost lives in vain, says writer who calls self one of dead

Truman keeps tab on Pacific, may visit war zone later

President enjoying rest in Northwest, goes fishing on Puget Sound

In Washington –
House defeats GOP attempt to cut price control term

Republicans sought 6-month extension instead of year; Democrats boo praise for Hoover

First volley fired in OWI fight

By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Agreement hinted near in Polish rift

New unity government believed in offing

Aussies land at Borneo oil refinery

New invasion meets no opposition

Liuchow Airfield reported burned

‘Willful disclosure’ target of Senate

It’s also tough for the rich now in Paris

Capital impoverished, ridden by inflation
By Dudley Ann Harmon, United Press staff writer

Reporter hurt in Okinawa battle

GUAM (UP) – United Press writer E. G. Valens was wounded on Okinawa Monday while in the front lines with the 6th Marine Division.

Valens was with the Marines on Kuwanga Ridge, where the Leathernecks were trying to flush some Japs out of a cave. The Japs were armed with satchel charges.

Apparently, the cave was filled with Jap ammunition. When explosive charges were thrown into it, the whole cavern blew up.

A large fragment of coral hit Mr. Valens on the side of the face, inflicting a severe wound. He was expected to be hospitalized for about a week.

Filipinos split Jap forces in North Luzon

Guerrillas block escape of enemy

MPs in Paris quell fighting of G.I.’s, French

Hitting of WAC sets off disturbances

Venereal disease increases in ETO

Cases higher among ground forces

Voice sees Pope; oohs at St. Peter’s

Tax cut must wait for V-J Day

Competitive truce in auto industry ends

Race starts to get into showrooms first