America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Vinson supports U.S. work budget

Says economy depends on nation

Editorial: President Truman and business

Editorial: Iran’s note to the Big Three

Editorial: Russia and the veto power

Battle yielded German charts

Nazi minefield revelations aided invasion of South France
By George Tucker

Socialists and Communists vie for control of Italy

By Dorothy Thompson

Stokes: Republican view on tariff likely to peril peace plan

By Thomas L. Stokes

Wait… a second. Puerto Rico is part of America… Why are they reporting as if it some far off country?

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Lawrence hits tactics on Okinawa

Finds bungling in Army’s slowness, causing big loss
By David Lawrence

Ford-Ferguson farm tractors get former home of Model-Ts

By John W. Love

New York-Cleveland divide twin bill

Borowy wins seventh, 8-2 – Christopher halts Browns

Eliot: Russia will alter its stand on veto

Stalin may have to bow to others inside Soviet Union
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

Jostyn will give show on behalf of United Jewish Appeal

Mystery shrouds fate of U.S. ‘invasion crew’

Churchill will talk on Syria

Crimes body completes questioning of Niemoeller

Hints of blows by 1,000 B-29s

Yanks chase Japs in hills around Apo

Army needs 30,986,000 pairs of shoes in 1945

10,000 Yanks enjoy Berchtesgaden retreat

Nazi plague quits Holland

100,000 once-arrogant soldiers shuffle out
By Nat A. Barrows

Sailors may get new uniforms – after V-J Day

Reports few vets seek jobless allowances

Band with specialties for palace stage show