America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Eichelberger’s ‘8th’ averages an invasion every 36 hours

By Fred Hampson, Associated Press staff writer

‘Father’ passes ‘Abie’ in length of Broadway run

By Jack O’Brian, Associated Press drama editor

FDR memorial stamp series is 7th to honor a President

Gorman writes a panoramic novel about the Mexican war

Reviewed by John Cournos

Adoption of hands-off policy by big leagues is foreseen

Protests against organized baseball taking high school boys stirs Chandler’s interest

Major military crisis nears for guerrilla-menaced Japs on Asiatic mainland

Climax in China likely while Allies gather Pacific forces
By Max Werner

Nippon admiral ‘sat out’ raid as home blazed

Kärntner Nachrichten (June 4, 1945)

Der Papst über das gerechte Ende des Naziregimes

Eine Ansprache an das Kardinal-Kollegium

Erste Sitzung der alliierten Kontrollkommission in Berlin

Jetzt alle Kräfte gegen Japan

Große alliierte Verstärkungen für den Fernen Osten

Youngstown Vindicator (June 4, 1945)

Japs report fighting in East Indies – say land and sea forces attack Sandakan – no confirmation given

Gain on Okinawa – doughboys sever Chinen Peninsula – new landings hinted

Refuses to yield right of full discussion on disputes

Russia may act – Britain, China, France take firm stand with America

Japs say they’ll pilot bomb balloons over U.S.

Warn of flights at 45,000 feet in 100 hours – whole naval air force becomes suicide corps

State Department backs draft in peacetime

Says our obligations for world security demand move

Davies back from London, reports to Truman tonight

Yanks to leave Iceland

Nazi subs attacked 111 ships off Florida before tide turned

Lone submarine blows up Jap convoy in surface attack in shallow water

Stage is set for talks to zone Reich

Philadelphia awaits Bradley and Spaatz

First Army is first off to Pacific

27,000 Pacific vets to get out

Court reverses ruling by Walker on Esquire

Haislip succeeds Patch as Seventh Army commander

Murray charges Taft with seeking inflation

By Earl Richert

Bess Wallace Truman tidies up summer home