America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Pearson: McKellar, highest paid senator, blocks expenses for others

By Drew Pearson

Why Harry Hopkins has gone to Russia to see Stalin again

By Marquis Childs

Hitler’s threat of suicide told by stenographer

By Jack Fleischer

Hopkins, Stalin confer again

Truman welcomes Iraq prince

Allies suspend wartime convoys

Officers named for promotions

Alleged corner in rye probed

International styles shown

By Julie Barnes

Pace getting too hot for Brooklyn

Rain bugaboo washes away five contests
By Jack Hand

Barbara Stanwyck’s next film will be a comedy

By Louella Parsons

The Pittsburgh Press (May 29, 1945)

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

This is Memorial Day, sacred to the memory of those who offered their lives for the nation in war. This year there are graves to remember in strange, far places of the earth, where the Stars and Stripes had never flown before. We shall visit the graves of our heroes – where it is possible – and heap them with flowers, according to our custom, but this year we can and must do something more.

We must buy that extra war bond, no matter how we have to strain to do it. For the more bonds we buy, the fewer graves there will be next year.

And what greater service can we render to those who have fallen than to preserve the lives of their comrades-in-arms?

Flower for our heroic dead! War Bonds for our heroic living!

Are you sure, you copied the right article? The heading and the sub-heading don’t go hand in hand

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They are in love… that is why?

Yes, the article has two stories.

Big Three conference incoming…

Kärtner Nachrichten (May 30, 1945)

Deutsche Pläne für den letzten Widerstand

Österreich durch den schnellen Vormarsch der Alliierten vor weiterem Unheil bewahrt worden

Die reichsten Männer Europas

Himmlers letzter Befehl: ‚Rette meine Millionen‘

Stettinius über die Konferenz von San Francisco

Washington, 29. Mai – In einer Rundfunkrede über die San-Francisco-Konferenz erklärte Außenminister Stettinius:

Wir sind befriedigt über den Fortschritt der Konferenz und zuversichtlich, dass wirksame demokratische Satzungen zustande kommen werden. Man müsse dafür sorgen, dass weder Deutschland noch Japan je wieder imstande sein werden, Krieg zu führen.

L’Aube (May 30, 1945)

Après Tokio –
Yokohama est en flammes sous 3.000 tonnes de bombes

Au conseil des ministres –
Georges Bidault justifie la position de la France au Levant

Au lendemain de San Francisco –
M. Stettinius rend hommage à l’action des cinq grands

Avant la Conférence des Trois –
Nouveaux entretiens à Londres et à Moscou