America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Un vote important à Washington –
Le congrès décide de rompre avec l’isolationnisme économique

Sur tous les fronts le Japon bat en retraite

Les Chinois progressent en direction de l’Indochine

« Le camp de Dachau n’est plus »

déclare à l’aube notre ami Edmond Michelet

The St. Petersburg Times (May 29, 1945)

Stettinius sees U.S. as umpire in disputes among major powers

5-point program of foreign policy features speech

450 Superfortresses shower fire bombs on Yokohama in first raid on port

By the Associated Press

French troops fight Syrians near Damascus

Map shows Near East crisis zone, centering at Damascus with oil pipelines Europeans are anxious to protect. Upper pipeline is controlled by French, lower by British, who are attempting role of peacemaker.

DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) – Street fighting which broke out late Sunday between the French and Syrians in the Arab patriot center of Hama last night had spread to Homs and Premier Jamil Mardam Bey expressed fear a “general clash” might be near.

Best reports places casualties in Hama, 150 miles north of here, at more than 200 with a considerable part of that figure expected to be dead.

The only confirmed report casualties in Homs, 20 miles south of Hama, was the killing of a seven-year-old girl by a Senegalese soldier. Her brother, 15, was wounded.

Reuters said in a Cairo dispatch that Egyptian Prime Minister Nokrashy Pasha had received French minister Jean Lescuyer yesterday and handed him a note for the French government regarding the situation in the Levant. The dispatch said the two men then conferred with Abdul Rahman Azzam Bey, secretary-general of the Arab League, and with an official of the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Shells from French 75’s in Homs sprayed the Saray (the government building) and knocked out on wall. Yesterday, the French had the main street of Homs under continual crossfire and were shooting at anything that moved.

The Syrians ambushed three French armored automobiles near the French garrison on a hill dominating the town from the southwest and captured all three. Six members of the crews were killed and three wounded.

Strength of the French at Homs and Hama is unknown here but it is believed there are fewer than 300 French and Senegalese troops in either place. They are known to have larger number of Syrian levees, who are considered undependable.

Latest reports had Bedouins moving into Hama from the desert to the east and French gendarmes occupying the railroad station.

British authorities indicated that should the fighting flame through Syria and Lebanon, their Ninth Army units now in training might be summoned to restore order.

The sound of scattered firing could be heard in Damascus along with the deeper detonation of mortar or artillery shells.

WPB relaxes limitations on civilian construction

Truman proposes broad expansion of jobless pay

Cremation tests made in murder inquiry

Australian envoy scores proposed world charter’s great-nation power veto

Girls get snappy salutes from G.I.’s

Court overrules post office ban

Radio announcer Henderson dies

Pacific troops get new clothes

Supreme Court extends term until June 11

Senators reject expense account for members

Anderson promises effort to get public more meat

U.S. sentry near Trieste wounded

Kidnapper heads for chair after gambling with life

Truman and Hoover confer on world food problems

President Truman urges observance of Flag Day

Early peace parley urged to quiet Europe’s unrest

Jackson meets War Crimes Commission

PARIS, France (AP) – Germany’s principal war criminals cannot be brought to trial for “some time,” pending the ironing out of certain details of the international military tribunal which will try the accused, Justice Robert H. Jackson, chief U.S. counsel for war crimes, said yesterday.

Jackson and his chief assistant, Maj. Gen. William J. Donovan, reached London later in the day, to meet with the United Nations War Crimes Commission.

He told newsmen here that the sites of the trials had not been selected, nor the manner of carrying out the death sentences.

A high American source said yesterday that despite unofficial reports to the contrary Berlin is still “on the books” to be the seat of the Allied Joint Control Council for rule of Germany although negotiations with the Russians for entry into the city are making slow progress.

U.S. romance denied by Carmen Miranda

HOLLYWOOD, California (AP) – Carmen Miranda’s heart is still in her native Brazil, the screen singer-dancer disclosed yesterday as she denied rumors of a romance with a U.S. Marine captain.

Miss Miranda said she is engaged to Dr. Roberto Martin of Rio de Janeiro and will marry him when the war is over.

She admitted receiving a diamond ring from the Marine officer, whose identity she did not disclose, but said she returned it.

Editorial: The price we pay for Okinawa is high but will be justified

Strength, common sense, correctness

By Dorothy Thompson