America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Humphrey: Courage to live

By Walter Humphrey

Maj. Williams: Gotham welcome

By Maj. Al Williams

Rhinelanders still remember, despite 27 years, another war

1919 Yank finds old friends in one-time German billet
By Thomas R. Henry, North American Newspaper Alliance

Communists oust Browder, elect Foster

Class warfare to be renewed
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Weather aids 1,200 fighting forest fire

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – Winston Churchill has shown us how he wins a war, and now he shows us how gracefully he can lose an election. Either way, he looks like a champion to George and me.

Of course, Clement Attlee, who defeated him, is pretty smart, too. While Attlee was in San Francisco, he was a dinner guest of some American friends and insisted on washing the dishes afterwards. That family doesn’t know yet whether he was being a perfect guest, or on account of the shortages in Europe he just wanted the thrill of putting his hands in real, soapy water again.

My own theory of the English election is that Churchill got some of his own brand of cigars for his campaign managers to pass out, and they did. After the managers passed out, that was the finish of the election.

Millett: Women can pick jobs

Far wife has no easy life
By Ruth Millett

Cubs, Yanks cash in on Borowy deal

By the United Press

Allied reporters enter Vienna

Center of Austrian capital wrecked
By Ann Stringer, United Press staff writer

Flying Fortress production ends

Discharge papers should be preserved

Archie is at home overseas

‘Duffy’s Tavern’ is everywhere
By Si Steinhauser

4 guaranteed pay systems under study

CIO maps drive for steady work plan
By Allan L. Swim, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Pan American demands more world routes

Company says others getting the plums
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Youngstown Vindicator (July 30, 1945)

Australia raps Potsdam terms offered Japan

Ella Logan hits fraternization as what Nazis want

Editorial: Jap Navy ended, but not Jap war

Japs crossed by wily Nazis

Messerschmitt’s records reveal tricks in sub trade of secrets
By Thomas R. Henry, North American Newspaper Alliance

Churchill pictured as defeating himself

By Dorothy Thompson

Lawrence: Use of troops up to Congress

FDR and Truman wisely kept issue separate from ratification
By David Lawrence