America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Youngstown Vindicator (July 23, 1945)

British seamen to split booty

All proceeds from sale of captured cargoes go in jackpot
By Henry B. Jameson

Balance of power or one-power rule?

By Dorothy Thompson

Lawrence: Okinawa loss rapped again

Hanson Baldwin reveals Marines went back without landing
By David Lawrence

World bank would serve as guarantor

In most cases will back up loans made by private banks
By James Marlow, Associated Press writer

Duce lays capture to king’s ruse

Put under ‘protection’ he soon learns he is actually prisoner

U.S. State Department (July 23, 1945)

Log of the President’s Trip to the Berlin Conference

Monday, July 23:

Mail arrived from Washington during the forenoon; the President signed this mail shortly after it was delivered to him.

1000: General Parks called on the President and presented him the flag that had been raised at Berlin last Friday.

Lieutenant-Colonel Wallace H. Graham, Medical Corps, USA (attached to the 24th Evacuation Hospital, Bremen) spent the day visiting with the President and members of his mess.

1100: Secretary Stimson called on the President.

1500: Mail was dispatched to Washington.

At 1640 the President left the Little White House for Cecilienhof where he and his party arrived at 1650.

At 1710 the seventh meeting of the conference was called to order. The meeting adjourned at 1900 at which time the President and his party left to return to the Little White House.

At 2020 the President, Secretary Byrnes, and Admiral Leahy left the Little White House by foot for the Prime Minister’s residence where they attended a State Dinner given by Prime Minister Churchill in honor of the President and Generalissimo Stalin. Those present included: The President, Secretary Byrnes, Admiral Leahy, General Marshall, Admiral King, General Arnold, Mr. Bohlen, Generalissimo Stalin, Mr. Molotov, Army General A. I. Antonov, Marshal of the Soviet Union G. K. Zhukov, Marshal of Aviation F. Ya. Fodalev [Falaleyevf], Admiral of the Fleet N. G. Kousnetsov, Prime Minister Churchill, the Right Honorable C. R. Attlee, Mr. Eden, Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Cunningham, Field Marshal Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, Sir Edward Bridges, Field Marshal Sir Bernard Montgomery, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir Charles Portal, Field Marshal Sir Alan Brooke, Commander C. R. Thompson, and Major A. Birse. Music for the occasion was furnished by a stringed orchestra from a Royal Air Force band. The menu included: Cold clear soup, hot turtle soup, fried sole, roast chicken, boiled new potatoes, peas, cold ham, lettuce salad, fruit salad, ice cream, and Scotch woodcock.

The President, Secretary Byrnes, and Admiral Leahy returned to the Little White House at 2330.

The Syonan Shimbun (July 24, 1945)

Tense atmosphere secrecy at Potsdam ‘3-power’ parley

Russians stern with Anglo-Americans

Kyushu people display Bushido spirit

Losses inflicted on enemy increasing in Balikpapan fighting

Nippon destroyers rout foe submissions

Foe raiders adopt inhuman tactics against civilians

Salzburger Nachrichten (July 24, 1945)

Briten besetzen die Steiermark

Österreichs Zukunft liegt in den Händen der Österreicher

Nervosität in Japan

Todesstrafe für Petain beantragt

Truman – 100 Tage Präsident

L’Aube (July 24, 1945)

Le procès Pétain a commencé hier

M. Paul Reynaud, premier témoin, a entamé sa déposition

L’Allemagne paiera aux « Trois Grands » 20 milliards de dollars de réparations…

…mais la part de la France n’est pas déterminée

Le bois de Vincennes –
Magasin général des armées américaines

Accalmie soudaine dans le pacifique