America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

T-Men to check taxless profits of rich aliens

Refugee loophole due to be plugged
By Henry J. Taylor, Scripps-Howard special writer

Editorial: Research for peace

Editorial: Telling the Japs

Edson: Lobby seeks to kill off nine water authorities

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Drying up our wits

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Territory Japan will lose

By Bertram Benedict

In Washington –
Vinson takes over as head of Treasury

Urges U.S. preserve sound economy

Communists vote to reorganize

Texas University put on probation

5,000 veterans reach Manila

Flier, fiancée die in flames

Teenage comedy at J.P. Harris

Peggy Ann Garner has leading role
By Mary Jane Daley

Vivian Blaine learns ‘tease’

‘Skid row’ finds her a first-nighter
By Virginia MacPherson

Lumbermen now protect forests for future use

Wasteful cutting methods discarded to provide a sustained yield
By James R. Massey, United Press staff correspondent

Yank shells now pierce concrete

Family of four accused in death

Othman: Tall sea tales

By Fred Othman

Stokes: Cartels

By Thomas L. Stokes

Simms: Iffing

By William Philip Simms

Maj. Williams: Wonders of radar

By Maj. Al Williams

A flier and his exploits –
18,500 feet in the air, then suddenly a 19,000-foot peak bobs up ahead

Big transport has close call over ‘hump’
By Capt. Gen Genovese

Navy airmen dodge Japs 179 days in Borneo jungle

Three reach safety together, fourth separately, but five of crew were executed y Japs
By Gerald R. Thorp