America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

OPA will reduce some meat points

‘The Crack-Up’

By Florence Fisher Parry

Holiness preachers urge followers to tempt snakes

They spend day praying for two near death as a result of bites

Commando Kelly just mister now

Pittsburgh’s hero, 79 others discharged

ODT blames Army for jam on railroads

No notice given of loads, says Johnson

Reparations deal at Yalta reported

Germany’s bill put at $20 billion

Floods damage three states

By the United Press

4 in Mantle Club to start terms

Ball explains how disputes are handled

Act sets up 5-man independent board
By Sen. Joseph H. Ball, R-Minnesota

Newspaper truck contract extended

WLB studies holiday, vacation demands

Veteran sues to regain job

New Yorker rehired, then laid off

Perkins: CIO raids territory of big railroad brotherhoods

Next big test is election among 50,000 workers on Pennsylvania
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Adm. McCain: Japs saving ‘Sunday punch,’ no pushover

Declares enemy has modern arms and ability to use them effectively

Britons assures U.S. on Jap war

Full help promised by Beaverbrook

Chinese gain near Swatow

Reach Kwangtung, Fukien frontier

8th Air Force and Doolittle now in Pacific

General preparing raids from Okinawa

Jap Foreign Minister sees Hirohito again

Aussies make new landing in East Borneo

Mop-up near in Balikpapan area

Wounded G.I.’s speeded home

Transfer from Europe to end this month

Swiss to inspect Jap prison camps

Tokyo backs down on visit ban

Jap peace feeler reports continue

OWI raps papers on warning story

Nazis still battle in Bavarian Alps

Last U.S. Navy ships leave British Isles

WASHINGTON (UP) – The Navy revealed today that the last U.S. Navy ships have left the United Kingdom.

The last to leave were a group of LSTs which landed American and British soldiers on the Normandy beaches a year ago.