America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Othman: Priorities and nudes

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Freedom of the air

By Maj. Al Williams

Those two-faced Huns –
Germans hope time will wipe out world’s memory of Nazi atrocities

History shows Teutons long have been ‘bad’
By Henry J. Taylor, Scripps-Howard special writer

Sailor gives bond in hotel slaying

Victim criticized by her daughter

Japs’ internment at Bedford explained as ‘trading’ move

Opposition fades after officials tell of plan to ‘swap’ for American PWs

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – Well, there’s one shortage we could stand and that’s a shortage of Hitler’s. The only thing more mysterious than his disappearance is the number of his reappearances. Now he’s reported in Liechtenstein, Argentina and the Antarctic. I suppose the FBI will check the Liechtenstein story as soon as they can find the place on the Map. I don’t believe the report that Hitler’s on a German ranch in Argentina. Being a cowboy gaucho might have appealed to him once, but George says he’s had one hard fall from the saddle, and doubts if he has nerve enough to climb into another one.

My guess is that Hitler’s in the Antarctic – raising an army of penguins. Those birds already have black and white uniforms, and after a few setting-up exercises should do a pretty god goose step. Also, they’re about the only things left whom Hitler could convince he’s a genius.

It’s Bogart vs. Boyer, or is it?

Love and murder are all mixed up
By Patricia Clary

Carol Landis turns writer, other items of filmland

By Erskine Johnson

U.S. obligation to Poles stressed

Fire Patterson, Rankin demands

Flash floods hit three states

Sewell’s ‘old form’ heartens Bucs

Blooper King blanks Giants by 4-0 score
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

GOP to campaign on 2-term limit

Yanks in U.S. face foreign assignments

New star signed to croon

Redhead Todd replaces Tibbett
By Si Steinhauser

Diary of Count Ciano –
North Africa landing stunned Nazis after rout of Rommel’s men

Germans had expected Allied attempt to relieve Mediterranean fortress of Malta

Hero gave life in raid, but bombs hit the target

Youngstown Vindicator (July 20, 1945)

Eliot: Big Three secrecy following old silly pattern

Dangerous rumors, leaks result; Truman against Russian blackout
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

Editorial: The Charter and U.S. troops

Hayden: Japs will play Nazi war role

Wonders whether any Jap has authority to surrender
By Jay G. Hayden, North American Newspaper Alliance

The re-education of Germany

By Dorothy Thompson