America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Ickes wants coal sent to Europe

Also warns U.S. of fuel shortage

WLB acts to end meat firm strike

Union leader ready to order men back

Strike threatens air war on Japs

Tire crisis faced, general warns

U.S. casualties reach 1,053,101

WASHINGTON (UP) – Acting Secretary of War Robert P. Patterson disclosed today that more than 450,000 Japs have been killed or wounded in the Philippines campaign.

Meanwhile, total U.S. combat casualties in all theaters as reported have reached a total of 1,053,101, an increase of 5,421 over a week ago. The total, of which 244,810 were killed, includes 917,442 Army and 135,659 Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps casualties.

Army casualties in the Philippines campaign to July 7, Mr. Patterson said, totaled 59,656. This figure included 12,035 killed, 46,425 wounded, and 1,196 missing.

Mr. Patterson said a recapitulation of Army casualties on Okinawa showed the total was 18,412, including 3,761 killed, 14,415 wounded and 236 missing.

The overall U.S. casualty table:

Army Navy TOTAL
Killed 194,447 50,363 244,810
Wounded 568,976 70,072 639,048
Missing 36,303 11,431 47,734
Prisoners 117,716 2,793 121,509
TOTALS 917,442 135,659 1,053,101

Of the Army wounded, 348,196 have returned to duty. Of Army prisoners, 94,742 have been liberated.

Hitler hiding in Palestine? Yes, Red says

Strikes everywhere after war vowed by auto union leader

Thomas says UAW will walk out of every plant where a grievance exists

More benefits for disabled vets asked

DAV in asking for them hits VFW, Legion
By Douglas Smith, Scripps-Howard staff writer

If they come to Pittsburgh –
Nora, babies must clear State Department hurdle

Unwed British mother still hopes she can join daddy of quads

Nationalists use pastors in youth movement

Goff, ex-Communist, prominent figure
By Eugene Segal, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Senate opens travel crisis probe Monday

Poor planning blamed on Army

Congress gets itchy feet and world’s the limit!

By Fraser Edwards, Scripps-Howard staff writer

In Washington –
Export-import, Bretton Woods bills passed

Monetary plans await White House signing

‘Yoo Hoo’ Lear lands to chorus of yoo hoos

U.S. asks Britain to pay canal tolls

‘Europe after the war’ –
German people at heart ‘still at war,’ Briton says

By Henry Ward

Truman’s first 100 days prove even busier than Roosevelt’s

Both Presidents faced hectic times
By Frank Aston, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Poll: Public thinks Pacific war may last another year

Drop in optimism, despite heavy blows by air, revealed in new survey
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Aussies capture big oil region

For 75 Japs, 12 pillboxes, G.I. wins Medal of Honor

Award is posthumous, however, because tiny one-man Army was killed by one bullet later

G.I.’s to train for Pacific in 44-hour week

European veterans to learn Jap tactics