America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

740.0011 PW/7-1645

The Secretary of War to the President

[Babelsberg,] 16 July 1945
Top secret

Memorandum for the President

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Whether the Russians are to be notified of our intentions in advance in this regard, would depend upon whether an agreement satisfactory to us had been reached with the Russians on the terms of their entry into the Japanese war.

The Yalta Agreements
As for the Russian participation and the so-called Yalta Agreements, I believe that these agreements, so long as they are interpreted consistently with our traditional policy toward China, should not cause us any concern from a security point of view, assuming always we keep clear our control over the Pacific islands. By our traditional policy toward China I refer, of course, to the Open Door and the recognition of Chinese sovereignty over Manchuria.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Allied occupation of the main Japanese islands
I would hope that our occupation of the Japanese islands would not involve the government of the country as a whole in any such manner as we are committed in Germany. I am afraid we would make a hash of it if we tried. The Japanese are an oriental people with an oriental mind and religion. Our occupation should be limited to that necessary to (a) impress the Japanese, and the orient as a whole, with the fact of Japanese defeat, (b) demilitarize the country, and (c) punish war criminals, including those responsible for the perfidy of Pearl Harbor.

If the Russians seek joint occupation after a creditable participation in the conquest of Japan, I do not see how we could refuse at least a token occupation. I feel, however, that no prolonged occupation by the Soviet should be approved and, indeed, any occupation by any major ally which exceeds our own, either in the strength of forces employed or in duration. I would approve their occupation of the Kuriles or indeed their cession to Russia, but I do not relish Russian occupation further south. If there is to be occupation of the main islands, the conditions and terms must certainly be determined by us. If the Kuriles are to be ceded to Russia, we should retain permanent landing rights therein, as the islands are located in a great circle route to Japan from the United States, and would substantially shorten our mileage on air voyages following this route.


The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the President

Washington [Babelsberg], 16 July 1945
Top secret

Memorandum for the President

The Joint Chiefs of Staff feel that the Russian Chiefs of Staff should have the opportunity of holding conversations with the United States Chiefs of Staff as early in the TERMINAL Conference as they may desire. It would be desirable that this opportunity be offered them by the President in the course of his first conversations with Marshal Stalin.

The United States Chiefs of Staff have presented no agenda to the Russians. We have advised them that we would be pleased to discuss with them the exchange of liaison parties and intelligence on the Japanese situation, and that we are ready to discuss any other problems which the Russians may wish to present. In view of this fact, the suggestion of a meeting should properly originate with Marshal Stalin. Failing such suggestion from Marshal Stalin, however, it would be in keeping with our proposed procedure insofar as the Russians are concerned if the President should suggest to Marshal Stalin that his Chiefs of Staff are here and are prepared to discuss these and any other matters which the Russian Chiefs of Staff may wish to present.

For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Fleet Admiral, U.S. Navy,
Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy

Memorandum by the U.S. Chiefs of Staff

[Babelsberg,] 16 July 1945
Top secret
CCS 895

Participation of Two French Colonial Infantry Divisions in Far Eastern Operations
There are attached (Enclosure “A”) a memorandum in which the French propose to place a French corps of two infantry divisions under American command in the Pacific war and (Enclosure “B”) a reply proposed by the United States Chiefs of Staff. Since the British Chiefs of Staff may have views as to the areas in which these French troops should be employed, though perhaps not under United States command, their comment or concurrence is requested. General MacArthur proposes, if the French corps is assigned to him, to use it in the main effort against Japan in late spring of 1946.

[Enclosure A]

The Chief of the French Military Mission in the United States to the Chief of Staff, United States Army

Washington, May 29, 1945
Top secret
No. 432/EM

Memorandum for General George C. Marshall


During conversations between President Truman and Mr. Bidault, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the French Provisional Government, on the one hand, and President Truman, General Marshall and General Juin on the other, the principle of a French participation in the war against Japan was viewed favorably.

Following these conversations, the French Government puts at the entire disposal of the American command, for operations in the Far East, an army corps comprising two divisions, besides corps-supporting and service units.

This army corps should include:

  1. The 9th Colonial Infantry Division, already well trained, having taken a brilliant part in the French and German campaigns.

    In order to be able to operate in the Pacific war zone, this division would only require certain transfers of personnel (replacement by volunteers of men unfit for overseas duty).

    The above will be ready to be shipped by the end of June.

    It seems advisable that the 9th Division receive its equipment in the theater of operations.

  2. The 1st Colonial Infantry Division of the Far East, planned several months ago. This division, whose colored troops will be replaced by trained European volunteers, from the French 1st Army, will be ready by the end of July, provided it receives its equipment on time.

    It is to be expected that the latter unit, in view of the previous training of its personnel, will be ready for combat duty a month after receipt of its equipment.

    To save time, immediate delivery of its equipment is therefore suggested.

    In case the above is delivered only in the theater of operations, a corresponding delay would be needed by the 1st Division, from the time of receipt of its equipment, to participate in actual combat.

  3. Supporting units and services of the army corps would also be ready by the end of July. Details of its equipping will have to be worked out in accord with the American command.

    This army corps being put at the entire disposal of the American command, it seems logical to the French General Staff to give its units an organization similar to that of corresponding American units in the Far East.

It is therefore requested, in regard to divisions as well as to supporting army corps units and services, that the types of units to be organized, be exactly defined.

It is finally suggested, in order to facilitate further negotiations, that Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force, be authorized to deal directly with the French command in what concerns details of the matters herewith referred to.


[Enclosure B]

Memorandum for the Chief of the French Military Mission to the United States

Top secret
  1. With reference to your memorandum of 29 May 1945 addressed to the Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, the United States Chiefs of Staff accept in principle that portion of your proposal whereby the French Government puts at the entire disposal of the American command a French army corps of two infantry divisions, with corps-supporting and service units on the U.S. scale, for operations in the war against Japan. This acceptance in principle is with the understanding that the agreement on this matter with the French Government will include the following provisions:

    a. This French corps will be, both during the period of hostilities and in the post-hostilities readjustment period until released by the United States, subject to the complete command and control of the United States command in the same manner as a U.S. army corps.

    b. Movement of the corps from France will be contingent upon the French corps having, in the opinion of the United States command, a combat efficiency based on United States standards.

    c. Assurance that adequate trained replacements will be provided by the French Government as necessary.

    d. Maximum use will be made of equipment provided under the North African and Metropolitan Rearmament Programs.

    e. The implementation of this agreement including matters such as accompanying supporting and service units, provisions for equipment, and the planning and timing for the movement and employment of the corps will be in accordance with plans and arrangements to be determined by the United States military authorities who will deal directly with the French military authorities.

  2. Pressing requirements for operations in the Pacific during the coming months make certain that it will not be possible to move this corps from France for at least several months after the dates you suggest, and it appears unlikely that this corps will be committed to operations prior to the spring of 1946.

  3. The United States Chiefs of Staff will advise you further in this matter subsequent to the conclusion of a governmental agreement.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee

Washington [Babelsberg], 16 July 1945
Top secret

Memorandum for the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee


The Joint Chiefs of Staff request that the Secretary of State be advised as follows:

In reply to the State Department memorandum of 11 June 1945 requesting information regarding the details of the plan for Portuguese participation in the liberation of Timor, the Joint Chiefs of Staff regret that no definite information can be given at this time. A draft letter on this subject, CCS 462/19, for transmission to the Department of State and Foreign Office was submitted to the Combined Chiefs of Staff for their approval on 3 January 1945. A copy of the paper was sent to the State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee, which advised on 13 January 1945 (JCS 953/9) that the draft letter was considered satisfactory by the Secretaries of State, War and the Navy.

The British Chiefs of Staff have deferred action on CCS 462/19 pending the receipt of information from Australia on its ability to accommodate the Portuguese force for training. The Joint Chiefs of Staff have undertaken to revise the letter to the Department of State and Foreign Office in CCS 462/19 along broader lines which they hope the British Chiefs of Staff will be able to approve without further delay. The British Chiefs of Staff are being urged to take prompt action on this revised paper and it is hoped that the desired information will be forthcoming shortly.

For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Brigadier General, USA, Secretary


The Chief of the Division of Western European Affairs to Col. John S. Wise, of the Operations Division, War Department General Staff

[Washington,] June 11, 1945
Top secret


An urgent telegram has been received from our Ambassador at Lisbon stating that Dr. Salazar believed that we should submit very soon the details of the plan for Portuguese participation “in such operations as may be conducted eventually to expel the Japanese from Portuguese Timor” to use the language in our Note to him of November 28, 1944. You will recall that the British furnished similar assurances at the same time and that these assurances constituted practically the only consideration given by us in exchange for the facilities at Santa Maria. These facilities have been said by a high military authority to be “of incalculable importance.”

A review of the history of the Santa Maria negotiations suggests that the principal reason for the delay in obtaining the Portuguese assent to the use of Santa Maria was our delay in giving the assurances as to Timor, which were desired by Dr. Salazar. This is mentioned in order to emphasize the vital interest of the Portuguese in this matter.

The Department understand] that active discussions are being held by the Combined Chiefs of Staff, and the complexity of the shipping, supply and training questions involved is fully appreciated. However, the Department believes that it is highly important to furnish promptly evidence of our good faith in carrying out the plan to which we are committed. This is particularly important, in view of impending negotiations for long term post-war military rights in the Azores. The Department does not feel that it can start such negotiations until the Portuguese are fully satisfied on the question of Timor.

Therefore, the Department hopes that it will be possible to communicate to the Portuguese in the very near future the details of our plans as they now stand for Portuguese participation in any Timor expedition. If for any reason, it is not possible within the next few days to give information of this nature, the Department hopes that it will be given information on which to base an explanation to Dr. Salazar of the present state of the matter and the reasons for the delay in communicating to him the final plans.


Memorandum by the U.S. Chiefs of Staff

[Babelsberg,] 16 July 1945
Top secret
CCS 462/25

Staff Conversations with Portugal

Reference: CCS 462 SERIES

  1. The report by the Combined Administrative Committee in consultation with the Combined Staff Planners in CCS 462/19 on the report of the Anglo-American Military Mission (CCS 462/15) relative to proposals for Portuguese participation in Allied operations for the recapture of Timor was submitted to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on 3 January 1945. This report recommended that a letter be dispatched to the Department of State and Foreign Office setting forth the conclusions of the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the staff conversations with the Portuguese. Action on CCS 462/19 has been deferred at the request of the British Chiefs of Staff. As a result the Department of State and Foreign Office have not as yet been advised of the conclusions of the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the staff conferences held with the Portuguese although these conversations were held some nine months ago. The Department of State is pressing the United States Chiefs of Staff for information regarding the details of the plan for Portuguese participation in any operations directed toward liberation of Timor.

  2. The United States Chiefs of Staff understand that the British Chiefs of Staff’s delay in acting on CCS 462/19 is due to lack of information from Australia on that country’s ability to provide accommodations for the Portuguese contingent. The end of the war in Europe makes out of date the draft letter to the Department of State and Foreign Office contained in Appendix “A” of CCS 462/19 in two particulars. The United States Chiefs of Staff have therefore revised the letter to the Department of State and Foreign Office contained in Appendix “A” to CCS 462/19 along broader lines. It is recommended that the Combined Chiefs of Staff approve the enclosed letter to the Department of State and Foreign Office.4 In view of the urgency of the matter, the United States Chiefs of Staff would appreciate prompt consideration of this paper by the British Chiefs of Staff.

The Acting Chairman of the Interim Committee to the Secretary of War

Washington, 16 July 1945
Top secret
War 32887

For Colonel Kyle’s Eyes Only from Harrison for Mr. Stimson.

Operated on this morning. Diagnosis not yet complete but results seem satisfactory and already exceed expectations. Local press release necessary as interest extends great distance. Dr. Groves pleased. He returns tomorrow. I will keep you posted.

740.00119 EW/7-1645: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Director of the Office of Financial and Development Policy

[Washington,] July 16, 1945
us urgent
33. (For Collado.)

In telegram 2250 of June 24, Pauley suggested that certain (unspecified) commodities received by Soviet Union on reparation account from satellite countries might be made available to American occupation forces through reverse-lend-lease arrangements. Dept drafted reply to effect that US waived none of its claim to reparations from satellites (though expecting none), that prospects of obtaining commodities from Soviet Union for US forces were so small as to preclude an approach to Soviet Union, and that US interest in exportable surpluses of the satellite countries centered on deliveries to UNRRA beneficiaries for relief of UNRRA and in turn US. This draft was taken by the Secretary.

When reply was drafted, Dept was thinking in terms of agricultural products, including food. It is apparent from later telegrams that Pauley is deeply interested in obtaining oil from Rumania, Hungary and Austria and has corresponded with PAW and SHAEF on this subject. His latest telegram to PAW asks for information on tanker requirements for Anglo-American oil for western and Mediterranean oil requirements from Anglo-American sources, and tanker savings possible if Austrian, Hungarian and Rumanian sources could be used.

Suggest you consider asking the Secretary to enlarge the draft reply to 2250 of June 24 to indicate the interest of the US in obtaining oil from this area, and in paying dollars for such oil (if necessary) to Rumania and Hungary rather than USSR with understanding that these dollars be used primarily to satisfy US claims on these countries.

You may recall that Dept has already asked Embassy in Moscow for information on prospects of obtaining oil from Russian sources, or from Rumanian and Hungarian fields dominated by the Soviet Union. A long reply was received from Harriman to the effect that the Soviet Union position in oil continued to show a deficit. This exchange took place before Pauley’s arrival in Moscow.


881.00/7-1145: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom

Washington, July 16, 1945 — 11 a.m.

It is not clear from your 6984, July 11, whether British have definitely decided to raise Tangier question at Big Three meeting or whether Hoyer Millar was merely sounding us out on the idea. (Sent London 5814, rptd to Paris 3311, Tangier 155, and Moscow 1615)

Our own feeling is that this should not be done in view of the fact that France will not be represented at the meeting. If the British so desire however we would see no objection to their endeavoring through normal diplomatic channels to ascertain what views the Russians may have for the solution of the Tangier problem.


740.00119 Control (Hungary)/7-1645: Telegram

The Representative in Hungary to the Acting Secretary of State

Budapest, July 16, 1945 — 6 p.m.


My telegrams 281 and 286, July 13.

Key tells me meeting of ACC is scheduled for tomorrow night when he expects to seek further clarification of Voroshilov’s note regarding changes in ACC procedure. Key does not intend to commit himself to acceptance of Soviet proposal pending further clarification and possible instructions, He is particularly desirous of securing statement from Voroshilov as to meaning of third paragraph of first section of latter’s note July 11 which seems to make directives of ACC on principal questions dependent on agreement with American and British representatives as proposed in your 57, May 28.

Sent Dept repeated to Moscow as No. 26 and London as No. 7.


The Pittsburgh Press (July 16, 1945)

Fleet isolates north Jap island

Superforts carry attack into 42nd day – Halsey still prowls enemy waters

Russian late in arriving for meeting

President blames German for ruins
By Merriman Smith, United Press staff writer

POTSDAM, Germany (UP) – President Truman and Prime Minister Churchill toured Berlin today while awaiting tomorrow’s opening session of the Big Three conference, for which the stage was set by the reported arrival of Premier Stalin this afternoon.

Mr. Truman and Mr. Churchill took two hours out from pre-conference business to inspect the devastation of Berlin in separate whirlwind tours of the capital’s battered heart where Nazism rose and throve.

Has armored escort

Mr. Truman left Potsdam at 3:30 p.m. with an armored escort. For two hours he traveled through the streets of Central Berlin, critically viewing the destruction wrought by the Allied armies and air forces.

It was a serious study of destruction which Mr. Truman said was due to a man “who overreached himself.”

The President wedged his Berlin tour into a crowded schedule, which included a formal call by Mr. Churchill and a steady round of conferences with other leaders of the American delegation.

Blames Germans

When he stopped before the shattered, burned-out shell of the Chancellery, Mr. Truman observed with a pensive shake of his head: “It’s a terrible thing, but they brought it on themselves.”

He looked up at the jagged remains of a balcony where Adolf Hitler enflamed the world with his ranting speeches and said: “It’s just a demonstration of what can happen when a man overreaches himself. I never saw such destruction. I don’t know whether they’ll learn anything from it or not.”

Blank stares from Germans

As Mr. Truman looked and spoke, ragged Germans stumbled through the rubble still littering sections of the city. The Germans paid little attention to him. When they did, it was mostly blank, sullen stares.

Mr. Truman, confident and in excellent spirits after his eight-day sea voyage from Washington, was ready to brush aside as much formality as possible and get down to business immediately.

His two main objectives were a speedy end to the Pacific War and an agreement on the future world peace which would be at least the forerunner to a full-dress peace conference sometime after Japan’s complete surrender.

Discussions secret

The Big Three discussions were cloaked by a strictly-enforced censorship that even banned reporters from the immediate conference scene and the only current news while they last – perhaps three weeks or more – was expected to come from periodic official communiqués.

But informed observers believed the agenda would cover at least these major topics:

  • Russia’s plans in the Pacific and the results of her interrupted discussions with China.

  • The joint administration of Germany.

  • The reparations to be exacted from beaten Germany: whether in money, goods or manpower or all three. Russia reportedly is asking for four million German men to rebuild her ruined cities.

  • Settlement of the various territorial claims now being advanced by France, Yugoslavia, Poland, Bulgaria, etc.

  • The Anglo-Russian conflict over Middle Eastern oil resources, including the tie-in problem of the Arab-Jewish impasse in Palestine.

  • Russian territorial demands on Turkey and the Soviet request for revision of the Montreux agreement of 1936, under which the Turks were Permitted to fortify the Dardanelles.

  • Reorganization of the Soviet-sponsored Austrian government, which Britain and the United States have refused to recognize.

  • The still-unsolved question of the hundreds of thousands of Polish troops who have reiterated their loyalty to the defunct exile government in London and have refused to return to Poland.

Canal control up

More remote is the possible discussion of a Russian seat on the control board of the Suez Canal and future joint control of the Panama Canal which neither Britain nor the United States is likely to concede.

The Levant states’ demand for complete independence from France also may come before the Big Three, although in the light of French resentment at Gen. Charles de Gaulle’s exclusion from the conference no definite action on that point appeared likely.

Unconfirmed reports reaching London said Gen. de Gaulle might be invited to join the conference later.

Docks at Antwerp

The President stepped down the gangway of the cruiser USS Augusta at Antwerp at 11:10 a.m. yesterday (5:10 a.m. ET), to become the first Chief Executive to set foot on Western European soil since Woodrow Wilson went to Paris 26 years ago for the peace that failed.

Accompanied by Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, Fleet Adm. William F. Leahy and a small party of advisers. the smiling man from Missouri was met by Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Adm Harold R. Stark, Charles Sawyer, U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Charles Sawyer and local British and American military commanders.

Flies to Potsdam

The presidential party motored to the Melsbroeck Airdrome on the outskirts of Brussels and Mr. Truman boarded Gen. Eisenhower’s special plane, arriving in Potsdam at 4:15 p.m. (10:15 a.m. ET).

At Potsdam, he was greeted by Soviet Marshal Gregory K. Zhukov’s deputy, Gen. Alexander Sokolovsky, and Col. Gen. Alexander Gorbatov, Red Army commandant of Berlin.

Immediately after the arrival ceremonies, he was whisked 15 miles away to his official residence, a 30-room house expropriated from a wealthy Berliner and furnished by the Red Army, within 10 minutes’ drive of the meeting place.

Churchill also flies

Mr. Churchill, fresh from a week-long vacation in Southern France, flew into Potsdam about two hours after the President, accompanied by his daughter, Mary.

Wearing the uniform of an army colonel, the 73-year-old Prime Minister lit up his inevitable cigar as soon as he touched the ground tucked his stuck under his arm and went briskly through the reception ceremony. He broke off the official inspection of the honor guard abruptly, however, apparently to avoid undue strain.

Throughout the late hours yesterday, planes were shutting in continually with new arrivals for the meeting, including most of the top-ranking American and British military staff officers whose presence suggested strongly that the Pacific War might play an important part in the discussions.

Stimson there

Among the American arrivals were Secretary of War Henry Stimson, Gen. George C. Marshall, U.S. Chief of Staff, Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold, Air Forces commander, and Gen. Brehon B. Somervell, chief of the Services of Supply.

Fleet Adm. Ernest J. King, chief of naval operations, was already in Berlin, along with W. Averell Harriman, U.S. Ambassador to Russia, and Presidential Envoy Joseph E. Davies.

In Mr. Churchill’s entourage were virtually all the top army, navy and air force commanders who helped direct the defeat of Nazi Germany, plus Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and Labor Party Leader Clement Attlee, who was invited by Mr. Churchill against the possibility of a reversal in the still-untallied general election that might unseat the present Conservative government.

Belgians greet Truman

From the moment the USS Augusta poked her nose into the Scheldt estuary and started upriver toward the battle-scarred port of Antwerp, cheering crowds of Belgians were on hand to greet President Truman.

Throughout the brief plane trip from Brussels to Potsdam, the President was interested in the utter destruction wrought on the German cities below and the apparent fertility of the surrounding farm lands.

The latter raised the question of whether Europe could produce more food for its own peoples with a resultant lowering of the feeding burden on the United States and other Allied countries. It was expected the President would bring that issue up at the Big Three meeting.

Mr. Truman was hopeful that the entire world could be given a fairly comprehensive picture of the day-to-day negotiations and said he favored issuance of regular communiqués during the discussions.

Don’t let him down –
G.I. in Pacific homesick, lonely, aged beyond years

There’s still to be done, so he keeps going, encouraged by mail from home
By Ernest Barcella, United Press staff writer

1942 new car rationing ends; only 6,000 left

Few to be eligible for 1946s at first

Japs in Shanghai prepared for battle

Barricades built in streets of city

Paper strikers defy publishers

Deadline passes; men still out

Aussies capture hill on Borneo

Yanks kill 4,879 Japs in Philippines in week

MANILA, Philippines (UP) – U.S. troops mopping up the Jap remnants in the Philippines counted 4,879 enemy dead last week and captured 608 prisoners, Gen. Douglas MacArthur announced today.

In the same period, American losses were 62 killed, one missing and 195 wounded – a loss ratio of less than 1 to 21.

Dear Madame

By Florence Fisher Parry

Nationalist party copies Hitler methods in organizing malcontents, rabblerousers

Ex-Sen. Reynolds, G. L. K. Smith leaders; capitalize on prejudice; violence feared
By Eugene Segal, Scripps-Howard staff writer

In Washington –
Bretton Woods debate opens in Senate

Taft leader of opposition group

Owner freezes to death in 40-below-zero room