America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Bing sings on ‘ritzy’ radio hour

But his tunes will be popular
By Si Steinhauser

Government turns corner on war road

Spending, production peaks left behind

Youngstown Vindicator (July 2, 1945)

Dewey urges charter speed

Yanks, British now in Berlin

Tokyo says women pilot Yank planes; ‘3 downed’

LONDON, England (AP) – The Tokyo radio said today three American aircraft piloted by women had been shot down over Kweilin, China.

“Thus it is assumed that a shortage of American aircrews is so acute that women are now being employed on operational duties,” said the broadcast.

419,035 Japs lost in battle in Philippines

11,715 Americans killed and 1,131 missing in liberation drive

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, I read where that nasty old Pierre Laval at his place of detention in Spain is knitting himself a sweater, and as the people of France are yelling for the part of Laval that it pulls over, the man must be an optimist.

If you ask me, I think it’s peculiar that Laval has gone in for garment-working, too. Only, a few days ago, there was a story that Hitler had fled to Spain in women’s clothes. And when the Americans opened his safe at Berchtesgaden, all they found were some designs of women’s gowns.

It’s too bad all those dictators didn’t go in for making clothes in the first place. The world would have been a lot quieter place if they’d had to keep their mouths full of pins.

Science makes war an absurdity

By Dorothy Thompson

Lawrence: Army-and-Navy merger rapped

Holds present command setup has worked out well
By David Lawrence

Eliot: Redeployment of Jap units is evidenced

Discusses movement of enemy troops in Western Pacific
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

The Syonan Shimbun (July 3, 1945)

Balikpapan invaders being fiercely attacked

U.S. home front instability exposed


U.S. casualties in P.I.

B-29s raid Kure

Editorial: Be forewarned

Significance of Laurel’s visit to Nippon

By a Domei political commentator

Kärntner Nachrichten (July 3, 1945)

Neue Großlandung auf Borneo

300 Schiffe mit australischen Truppen – 600 Fliegende Riesenfestungen über Japan

Ganz Amerika für den Weltsicherheitspakt

Erzbischof Spellman gegen Diktaturen

Ernste Lebensmittellage in der ganzen Welt

Rundfunkrede des neuen amerikanischen Landwirtschaftsministers

L’Aube (July 3, 1945)

« Ou la Charte ou rien » déclare le président Truman

en demandant aux sénateurs américains d’ouvrir cette voie vers la paix