America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Henry: It’s cold in Hell

By Thomas R. Henry

Stokes: OWI defender

By Thomas L. Stokes

Maj. Williams: Jet propulsion

By Maj. Al Williams

Ersatz moonlight thwarts Jap night banzai attacks

Army searchlight beams reflected by clouds bathe hills east of Manila in brilliance
By Gerald R. Thorp

German girls trying striptease on British

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

I realized the travel situation was getting a little tight, but I didn’t really know how bad it was until I saw that Gov. Wallgren of Washington has placed an Indian war canoe at President Truman’s disposal during his visit to that state. If the President rates only a canoe, you can imagine where the rest of us stand.

Anyway, the Indians will be pleased. They haven’t had so much attention since the days when Calvin Coolidge used to wear big feathered headgear for the newsreels.

President Truman says he’s going to fish a little for relaxation. Now, don’t kid us, Mr. President – you’re going after those fish in deadly earnest, same as the rest of us. I just bet the White House cook told you to bring back some food, or she wouldn’t be responsible for meals in the future.

Lupe’s costly jewels, furs sold with stove, washer

$100,000 in baubles, $75,000 in furs auctioned; Navy wife buys home
By Virginia MacPherson, United Press staff writer

Buc-Tiger benefit game called off

MLB official says ODT disapproves extra travel involved

Cubs win again, 5-4 –
Pirates face shakeup after fifth defeat

By Chester L. Smith, Press sports editor

Army hospitals get overage war dogs

Lone war reporter won’t write a book

Bill Slocum is exceptional guy
By Si Steinhauser

The Syonan Shimbun (June 23, 1945)

Nippon’s confidence in victory high, fighting spirit at peak

Experience gained in Okinawa valuable

Five enemy warships blasted

Nippon forces on Pililiou hold firm

Twenty-six B-29s downed, damaged

Stilwell succeeds Buckner

Editorial: Victory certain

People of Borneo will fight until enemy crushed

Nippon war production to be streamlined

Bose bares Britain’s game in Levant dispute

Kärntner Nachrichten (June 23, 1945)

Falsche Rechnung des OKW

Generaloberst Jodl über Geheimnisse der deutschen Kriegführung

Die Besatzungszonen in der Provinz Venezia Giulia

Einzelheiten des Abkommens mit Jugoslawien

Das Sprungbrett gegen Japan

Admiral Nimitz über die strategische Bedeutung Okinawas