America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Musel: Big problem

By Robert Musel

Stokes: Interesting study

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Sad jeep story

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Coming weapon

By Maj. Al Williams

What became of workers laid off after V-E Day?

Employment officials puzzles when few file claims for their jobless benefits
By Allan L. Swim, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

While everyone is arguing about universal military training for men, along comes Professor Hooton of Harvard, saying that all women should be drafted for army training. He says it will gratify women’s desire to “wear the pants in the family.”

And he has the nerve to add that it will reduce women’s figures to a point where they can wear pants “without creating a repellent spectacle.”

Now just a minute, professor. You may think you’re safe at Harvard, but I dare you to step over to Vassar and say that.

But don’t feel too badly, girls. Professor Hooton teaches anthropology, so I looked it up and found that anthropology is the study of anthropoids and anthropoids are apes. Well, if he teaches apes, he can’t be too bright anyway. I’ve never met an ape yet who could read or write.

Bucs lose league lead – and ‘scram’

Long road trip looms on heels of double defeat by Cardinals
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Big crowds reflect hot flag chases

Durocher hearing continued to July 9

Soldiers in war plants face return to service

G.I.’s strut in Gotham, warn Japs ‘look out’

Nazi conquerors ‘take’ New York
By Si Steinhauser

Billion-bushel wheat crop seen for 1945

But grain still sells at ceiling prices
By Earl Richert, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Orders for all types of steel products rise

50% of contracts are for sheets

Youngstown Vindicator (June 18, 1945)

Editorial: Post-war unity against Germany

German system helped Hitler

People sought safe jobs, never even dreamed of disobeying orders
By Dorothy Thompson

Eliot: Eisenhower needs public in peace

People must prove they know what he’s done – all of his acts can’t be viewed clearly yet
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

Ciano diary reveals Nazis’ iron will for war, Italy’s state of vassalage

Mussolini called a coward, welded Axis alliance in rage

Yank garroting brings probe of youthful Nazi murderers

By George Tucker, Associated Press staff writer

Kärntner Nachrichten (June 19, 1945)

Neue Regierung in Italien

Ein Führer der norditalienischen Widerstandsbewegung mit der Kabinettsbildung beauftragt

Zerstörte japanische Legenden

Erschütterte Kampfmoral

Nazi-Urteile aufgehoben

Überprüfung aller Verhandlungen

L’Aube (June 19, 1945)

L’appel historique du général de Gaulle

« La France a perdu une bataille, mais la France n’a pas perdu la guerre »