America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Trouble ahead from rumors about Hitler

A fake Hitler could rally Germans

Monahan: Even the dog ain’t so good

By Kaspar Monahan

Stars hit by housing shortage

They’re longing for a wee home

Farm-to-city control of food and produce sought by Teamsters

If successful, union’s influence will affect 20 million residents of industrial East
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Wife receives ‘Hollywood kiss’

Family reunion is touching scene

Army ready to run trucks in Chicago row

ODT promises to keep goods moving

Renegotiation suit goes against U.S.

Editorial: Give the league a chance!

Editorial: General ‘Ike’ comes home

Editorial: Training for peace

Edson: Bilbo stirs up aviation debate all over again

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: June on a campus

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news —
‘League’ amendments

By Bertram Benedict

Reds threaten to prolong Frisco parley

Powers of assembly compromise sought

Marshall: Universal training critics offer no practical plan

Chief of staff, pleading for action now, claims drill is simulant to education
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Non-stop record set by Superfortress

LeMay flies from Hawaii to Washington

Mussed-up Lord Haw Haw charged with high treason

Ranter of Nazi radio asks legal aid – witnesses to be brought from continent

Chinese drive foe from treaty port

Gold Star given to Adm. Mitscher

Millett: Get a good kitchen

Maybe then you can keep maid
By Ruth Millett

Musel: Big problem

By Robert Musel

Stokes: Interesting study

By Thomas L. Stokes