Eliot: Dividing Japs is best way to conquer them
Pay attention to Truman’s program for defeat of foe
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot
Pay attention to Truman’s program for defeat of foe
By Maj. George Fielding Eliot
CIO praised for fight to extend National Price Control Act
By John W. Love
Allies find no close alliance existed between Nippon and Germany
By Gracie Allen
Maybe one of the things those post-war auto designers should consider is having animal quarters in the car. I’ve just read about two accidents, one of which was caused by a mouse running up the steering wheel, and the other by a kitten jumping on the same apparatus.
Of course, accidents like that are bad enough, but imagine what could have happened if that mouse and that kitten had been riding in the same car!
It isn’t hard to understand how mice get in cars these days. The cars stand in garages so long without gas that I suppose the mice think they’re old houses. And I guess that the kittens go into the cars looking for the mice.
My goodness, before I take the ear out, I’d better get some cheese and catnip.
Kärntner Nachrichten (June 13, 1945)
Das Pacht- und Leihgesetz eine Waffe für den Sieg
Neues Österreich (June 13, 1945)
In Österreich geriet der ehemalige Gauleiter von Wien, Baldur von Schirach, in alliierte Gefangenschaft. Martin Bormann, der Leiter der Parteikanzlei, wurde ebenfalls gefangen.
Le général Buckner a adressé un ultimatum aux derniers défenseurs de l’île d’Okinawa qui se trouvent encerclés dans la partie Sud. Malgré la sommation de capituler, les Japonais continuent le combat.
Le communiqué du G.Q.G. du général MacArthur ne fait pas allusion aux nouveaux débarquements à Bornéo, mais il signale la poursuite des opérations de l’aviation et des torpilleurs alliés au large de l’île.
À Luçon, ajoute le communiqué, les Américains ont pris Santa Ines, à l’est de Manille, et ont consolidé leurs positions dans la vallée de Cagayan, dans le Nord. À Mindanao, ils ont pris la ville de Jassa.