America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Othman: Medicine man

By Fred Othman

Love: Vacations

By Gilbert Love

Models are people, too –
Faces of teenagers in demand – few small fry find jobs

By Irene Delmar, special to the Pittsburgh Press

OWI heads ‘unavailable’ as critics ride herd

Ball to delve into European policy – demands grow to abolish bureau
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

G.I.’s told how to tell U.S. Fascist –
Sabath’s ‘dishonor’ roll attacked

Naming of American industrialists on it is slander, minority members claim
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – My goodness, I just had a thought. With all the babies being born in hospitals these days, what are we going to have for national shrines in years to come?

Millions have thrilled at the sight of the humble log cabin where Lincoln was born. The birthplaces of many famous men have become national shrines. But I can’t imagine them putting a picket fence around some big hospital with a plaque reading “On this site were born 10,000 famous Americans.” It would have no individuality. I don’t think it would attract sightseers.

And many other babies are first seeing the light of day in apartments. Can you imagine thousands of people crowding in to look at an apartment?

On second thought, though, that’s a very common sight these days.

Novel shakeup fails to uplift Bucs

Rookies can’t stop Dodgers’ victory streak
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Gotham outfits take spotlight in flag chases

In civilian clothes –
Max Schmeling, much alive, under arrest in Hamburg

Army not to release officers very fast

Billie Burke’s dad was a clown – so is she

Radio star uses father’s name
By Si Steinhauser

Germans busy trying to win our sympathy

‘Rule-the-world’ aim still exists
By Henry J. Taylor, Scripps-Howard special writer

200,000 cars may be made by end of 1945

WPB, union to discuss job problem

Neues Österreich (May 18, 1945)

Es gibt keine deutsche Regierung

Ley bei Berchtesgaden gefangen

Russisch-amerikanische Feier in Leipzig

Bomben auf japanische Flugzeugfabriken

Kärntner Nachrichten (May 18, 1945)

Herabsetzung der Lebensmittelrationen in Deutschland

Eine Folge der Gewissenlosigkeit der Naziführung

Die Luftstrategie gegen Japan

Gleiches Vorgehen wie gegen Deutschland

L’Aube (May 18, 1945)

Le Président Truman reçoit Georges Bidault

A San Francisco les commissions techniques abordent les problèmes concrets
Par câble, de notre envoyé spécial Georges LE BRUN-KERIS

« Nous punirons l’Allemagne et la maintiendrons en tutelle » déclare le général Clay représentant d’Eisenhower