America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Stokes: Truman unbossed

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Mr. Moneybags

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Getting every duck

By Maj. Al Williams

Models are people, too –
Beauty isn’t everything

By Irene Delmar, special to the Pittsburgh Press

WMC crosses itself up by doing it hard way

By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – My goodness, pretty soon we may have auto-planes with folding wings that can both roll and fly. The Department of Labor Statistics Bureau told the Senate so.

Of course, the traffic cops will have to have wings then, too. How are they going to stop you up there in the sky? What will they say – “pull over to the next cloud?” And think of the problems a girl will have who goes for a ride with a fellow. She’ll have to take a parachute along with her “mad money.”

And I’ve just read that through electronics post-war autos will have stop-and-go signals right in the car itself. Also a gadget that makes a shrill noise to tell you when to stop. But I won’t need any of those things when I’m driving; not when George is along.

Practical jersey has every asset

Mexican colors catch the eye
By Maxine Garrison

Pirates prove meal-ticket for ‘Bum’

Dodgers whip Bucs, 6-3 – win tenth straight
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Military dead to stay overseas ‘til war ends

‘Boogie-woogie’ music bad for morale

Soothing tunes aid war work
By Si Steinhauser

France needs both spiritual, moral rebirth

Nation may end up as Red or British puppet
By Henry J. Taylor, Scripps-Howard special writer

Steel business is 50% below 1945 average

Order cancelations gain, Iron Age says

Hope, nothing happens between the two that becomes a contentious debate over the years as to who contributed more.

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What planet has this guy being living on? French as British puppet? The entire population of France would commit Seppaku.

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Phew… Hope nothing else happens to him.

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Kärntner Nachrichten (May 17, 1945)

Die Arbeiten der Wieder-gutmachugskommission

Ernennung der amerikanischen Vertreter

Neues Österreich (May 17, 1945)

Das Vernichtungslager von Majdanek

Himmler im Gebiet bei Flensburg?

London, 16. Mai – Reuters meldet aus dem Hauptquartier der 21. Armeegruppe, im Gegensatz zu einer am Sonntag verbreiteten Meldung, wonach Himmler in den Salzburger Bergen gefangengenommen werden sei, dass dieser sich noch immer im Gebiet von Flensburg an der deutsch-dänischen Grenze aufhalten solle.

Generalfeldmarschall Milch und General von Manteuffel befinden sich in einem Kriegsgefangenenlager in Lüneburg.

L’Aube (May 17, 1945)

A San Francisco –
Georges Bidault avant son départ définit l’apport français à la Conférence

De retour des États-Unis –
M. Pleven Fait l’éloge de la démocratie américaine dans l’effort de guerre