America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Stokes: Big Three to govern

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Easy dough

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Dark clouds ahead

By Maj. Al Williams

Log of a B-29 raid on Tokyo

‘Bombs away’ are sweet words
By W. H. Shippen Jr., North American Newspaper Alliance

Richest Indian’s estate is finally distributed

25-year-old court fight over fortune, annulment of marriage are recalled

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, girls, the silver lining is beginning to shine through the dark cloud of shortages. Our new washing machines, vacuum cleaners, autos and refrigerators are already in the blueprint stage.

And they say the new refrigerators will have large compartments for freezing meat. Of course, the government says it will be about a year before we can get any. I wonder, which they mean – refrigerators or meat?

But it’s wonderful how one thing compensates for another. I don’t miss a vacuum cleaner with no cigarette ashes to pick up, anyway. And what would I do with a new car with no tires? I don’t even mind waiting a year to get my clothes washed. The laundries have made me get used to it.

But there’s one thing we don’t have to wait a year to buy. That’s War Bonds. Let’s do it right now.

Poor Babs – she’s so heartbroken!

By Erskine Johnson

Film pits one beauty against another

It’ll be Geraldine Fitzgerald vs. Ella Raines in Uncle Harry
By Maxine Garrison

Belle of the Yukon featured at Penn

Gypsy Rose Lee, Randolph Scott star in tale of Alaska in gold rush days
By Dick Fortune

Millett: Youth should find pride in helping war wives keep their lawns trim

Manless homes get priority
By Ruth Millett

Poll: Truman found widely popular with public

GOP voters look for conservatism
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

55 weeks’ pay provided for only 52 weeks work

Wrigley Company pays extra when business is good, guarantees pay in bad years
By Allan L. Smith, Scripps-Howard staff wruter

Weather postpones Bucs-Braves tilt

Too cold for contest, Pirates head for test tomorrow with Phils

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War Department foregoes reviews of 4-F athletes

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Dietitian training available for WACs

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G.I. Joe had an exclusive V-E Day radio show

Yank program circles globe
By Si Steinhauser

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That seems like an oddly specific date that doesn’t make much sense to me, why December of '43?


Neues Österreich (May 12, 1945)

Deutschland unter Militaerverwaltung

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Bormanns Leiche aufgefunden

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Das war Buchenwald…

Von Dr. Franz Nogy

Grazer Volkszeitung (May 12, 1945)

Der letzte Akt des größten Dramas der Weltgeschichte

Keitel erschien mit verbissenem Gruß, hatte aber beim Weggang seine Arroganz abgelegt